Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
It's not a "belief." It's science supported by evidence. Do you think schools also shouldn't enforce gravitational theory because that's just a "belief?"
What the *hehe* did you just say that your belief is true because gravity is true?? ...

drops a pencil ... yup gravity...
drops another pencil ... wow! evolution! ...

Those two have nothing in common

Evolution IS a belief ... one that you believe in apparently, for there's as much evidence of that as there is of any belief. (and don't get me wrong, I'm talking about the 'millions of years' and 'where we evolved from' ... and not gravity) Another way we can say it's a belief, is that, no matter what we say it's not going to change your mind... In fact for us to say 'what you're believing in, no matter what insignificant evidence they think they have, is false.' would probably make you angered. All beliefs that are backed are like that.

Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
Do you know why evolution says we share common ancestors with apes (not monkeys)? If you know the scientific evidence behind it, then you shouldn't be calling it a "belief." If you don't know the scientific evidence behind it, then this is even more reason why it really needs to be better taught in schools, since so many people are ignorant of the subject, especially the scientific details.
Did you also take into account that they believe the same way, no matter how many times they were proving themselves wrong. All this is based on the works of humans... and it's not perfect.

It is a belief. Yours, and theirs.

Or, I can say the same thing back if you wanted:
"Do you know all that I believe? do you know all the evidence behind it? ... then you'd be believing the same as me. Since you don't this is a reason it should be taught in schools. As so many are ignorant of it's significance to all life."

In fact any belief I guarantee would want the masses to know more of... The same as you are doing now, except you feel the need to shove it down our throats as facts... when it's not, you just believe so.