It's not bad everywhere. I was taught the basic concepts of evolution all through school. I even took a class on JUST evolution at my very Catholic university taught by a very Catholic professor. Some people/organizations are ok with teaching both sides of the argument. In my class, we had to read out text which was of course all theory and scientific evidence, and then go and read the counter-claims by the ID/Creation movement so we could see where both sides were coming from. I never bought the Creation stuff, even when I was a kid.

I remember one debate we got in about a museum in Houston I believe that was forced to pull a film that vaguely mentioned evolution because some church groups got up in a tizzy. I was the only one that agreed with their decision and that's only because I know where they're coming from. At work, we're not allowed to talk about animals "evolving". We are allowed to talk about them "adapting over time" which is exactly the same thing and we've never had any complaints from using that terminology. I think the word itself has developed a bad connotation in recent years. It's funny how people are ok with one phrase, but not with one word that basically means the same thing.