This is the third time I have tried to I keep hitting some keyboard combo that deletes everything I typed....VERY annoying.

Anyways...I was going to say that I too was not referring to what you said Roog. I was responding to the fact that someone criticized modern society because of the value of individual gain and wealth...and then another brought up tribes of people with the attitutde that those tribes were examples of a superior "way of doing things".

Technically, no society can be "superior" unless you give a standard to base that on. However, in most standards...modern society wins out. That is to be expected as it "evolved" and advanced to what it is today FROM that previous style. There would be no massive benefits for returning to that way of life. The human characteristics like greed or lust are still present no matter where you are...they just manifest themselves in different ways...or at best..less often. It all depends on priorities and circumstances. If you are looking at perpetuating the human race, increasing your knowledge of the world around you, making life easier and safer, extending the amount of time you live etc..then modern life surely wins against primitive life.

There is one advantage to primitive life I can think of. Unlike our environmentalists today...these people actually understand the environment. While our "protectors of Mother Earth" lie, or constantly make inaccurate predictions...while simultaneously assuming that the environment is a weak and fragile thing in constant need of our attention...these people harvest and understand the environment. That isn't to say that there aren't plenty of modern people who understand it just as well. There are still plenty of people who can "live off the land"...and the fact that anyone can learn it via books, etc (plants, animals, poisonous substances, techniques etc) is an advantage of modern society.

The reason I even brought this up is because people often allude to the primitive lifestyle as if that is what we should be living like. As if their life is more desirable and happy. Sure...if that is how you choose to live...good for you..but some people would LIKE to advance....but can't. That life is hard, short, and focused mainly on survival. Everyone was once there...but progress has a direction...and that is FORWARD..not backwards.
