Originally posted by Dyani
Number 5 - Yes, you should close the school for Jewish/Hindu/Buddist/Muslim holidays. You do it for Christians, why not all other religions? I don't think you'd see anyone complaining except the conservatives/people-who-don't-like-other-religions-than-their-own. Its unfair discrimmination otherwise and a fair courtcase. If a Muslim takes a day off a working school day for religious purposes, it will be marked against him as an absense, and he loses a day of education. Again, unfair discrimmination.
well I think there is a reason for why schools aren't closed for every religion holiday, I mean if that would be the case I don't think there would be summer breaks sinse there would be so many day offs every now and then. I think the way christan holidays are set on year are on perfect places to give enough time for students to get mind of from studies. And what comes to christmas being off, I think it sets to middle of winter break ( not that it wouldn't be off otherwise )

Originally posted by Only-now
1 - *the democratic system awards power to the majority*
Unfortunetly it's like that even with religions, I have said it many times on this thread already and I keep repeating it over and over again, religion should never be part of politic, religion and what you beleave is your indovidual thing, which no one should attack against or neither which you should be able to use to deffend your statements. If you want to beleave the God excist then you do, no one should deny it doesn't excist, yet the person who beleaves in god can't either tell person who support evolution theory that god created the world and all the living things and that the theory the person beleaves in is rubbish. People should just leave their beleave as their personal thing and concentrate on the important things.
7 - If YOU don't like the way this country is run, then why don't you move away? I LOVE my country...besides, you are in California, which is almost another country already.
nearly every country is run based on relitiong somehow, like I said Sweden is only country I'm aware of where religion and goverment are totally seperated. Also, even I don't like a lot of things how United States goverment handle things especially about things that are outside of US that doesn't most of time even belong under their consideration, I still do want to move living in US, no matter if the president or goverment is as it is... and even system is corrupted ( yes acording to corruption survey 2006 US was 20th least corrupted country in the world and even then quite corrupted as the corruption level being 7.3 / 10)

Originally posted by Darkslash
(you two seem hell-bent to ensure this debate is anything but mature)
as much as I have read this topic which is not all of the last 20 posts or so I do say that I haven't seen anyone really being immature on this topic, just rather stubborn about their point of view.
It's obibious you guys disagree about evolution and the way Bible explanes things well no one can say one is right either can say one is wrong.

And I do have to say that Bible have way less prove about being true than evolution theory does, all the whole religion bases on is written text and stories that have carried for over 2000 years. ( and no I don't say those things can't be true, just saying it's not possible to prove that god excists or any of the things bible says )