I don't have anything against people living in other countries, everyone is invidual person after all. the thing I don't like about US is the policy towards other countries and the way the people in senat and whitehouse or goverment think that they can do whatever they want... like in example what happend with Afganistan. UN didn't allow that yet USA did what it saw the best for themself.

the only things I hear people mentioning about US are:
policy towards other countries: well that is true, USA is using their position as top country as they want.
American's are over weight: Well it's part stereotype but it's true again that people in US have more over weight people than other country because of fast food cultrue.
American's are stupid: Well I think that prefers on most of people knowledge about stuff outside of US. Like there was a test made on 1000 schools ( or something like that ) where they asked people to put countries on the map... they were able to put china and Russia on right place but in example Afganistan and Iraq were wrong with nearly 80%. Also over 60% of people thought that people in China speak English as first language. ( the test was made for teenagers in age of 14-18 )
Over Religious: That has to have something to do with the fact that word "God" is used so often in speaches president makes, like " God loves America" or dollars say " In God we trust"

As things about Europe, it's kind of hard to say anything about Europe the same way as USA because the Europe isn't a country, but a continet, I mean if you say something about Europe it would be same as someone says something about North America. But I guess I can try to pick some stereotypical things from Europe that I know about.

Finnish are always drunk and they want to communicate as little as they can: well yeah it's true that people in Finland use the most alcohol in the world per person, but it doesn't apply on anyone (90% is actually used by 10% of population) ...and about being silent... well you get to judge that yourself as you want.
French are Rude to people who speak English: well I guess some are... but that can't apply everyone.
Swedish are blond and therefore they are retarded / stupid: well blond aren't any stupider than other people and what comest to all swedish being blond.. it's not true.
Spanish are fat and lazy: I think the laziness comes from them having siesta... and the fat part.. I don't know where that comes from.

so what I trying to prove with this... people are invidual... they base their opinion about other countries on stereotypes or what they hear about the country from other sources.

?(( I know this whole post was pretty much just off topic babling about Europe and America... I don't mean to start discussion about this, I mean to get you all back in the topic and stop blameing each other countries for something ))