It seems as though America is turning into nothing but greedy and fleshy people and the only religion that seems to exist anymore is the religion of "Its all about me." I've heard quite a few people say that everyone is a Christian in the USA, but guess what? That statement is not true. Very few in the USA actually practice Christianity on a daily basis. Just because they say they are a Christian does not mean that they are actually indeed a Christian. I have met people that claim to be Christians but show absolutly no Christian qualities. It is sad that America is backsliding soo horribly right now. The end times are coming a lot sooner than we can all expect. I do not believe God is going to continue letting the world mock Him for much longer. It is sad that so many go out claiming to be Christians yet ruin another unsaved person's life just for their own flesh and claim to have saved them. Man has no power to save, only God does. For example, if the entire city of New York caught on fire and only one person had a water bottle to put it out, would he be succesful? Obviously a water bottle could not put out a fire that huge, but if God came in, He could bring all the water in the world onto the fire to easily put it out. Imagine you as the person with the water bottle, what power do you have against the fire? None at all. But God on the other hand has all the water in the world at the control of his finger tips. That is us compared to God, we are nothing in His power. We wouldn't even put a dent in the fire, yet there are many out there who feel they could put the entire fire out themselves.

If you have hate toward the Lord because of another person that you have met or a "opinion" that you have read, then I apologize for their actions. God is full of love and would never do anything that would be bad for you. Only good things come from trials and testing. God is good, even though man has watered down His image, God is all-knowing, all-powerful. There is nothing He can not do. His grace is sufficient for everyone that goes to Lea and more. His grace is sufficient for everyone! If you have hate toward God or Christians, I challenge you this...for one day, look up. Don't jump to conclusions about God, just listen, don't be defensive in anyway when you hear someone talking about God. If they are saying that God can't do something or doesn't love you, then turn away from them but those who say they love God and God is good, I challenge you to listen to them for one day, that is all. If you don't feel any different about God, then maybe you are not ready, if you do feel different towards God, then accept Him, don't be defensive against God! He is your creator, He created everything, how on Earth can you defend yourself against Him? Pray to God and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins, ask God for help because He is there patiently waiting for you because He loves you that much.

off to Church...


Derek T.
John 3:16