Sure, you have every right to want change..that is perfectly fine. You can also be frustrated as well...but I think criticizing the system as if it were wrong is just grasping because of this frustration. You also realize that there is STILL not social equality between races..and there never will be. True, we have convinced most people that racism is crap and doesn't deserve a place in society...but we havent convinced everyone. I have encountered plenty of black people who were racist agianst whites, and vice versa (though more from the former honestly). Civil rights movements are very democratic in ideal, as any law or amendment that came from them went through a democratic system, could be challenged, could be supported etc. You have every right to complain about how the majority feels..and how the majority feels does not mean it is right...but it is how the majority feels. We WORK on what the majority feels and what they vote on and we use this same principle to change that same law later on.

It is funny that what you are advocating is that people not be allowed to reflect on important parts of their lives when making voting decisions. So now we must dictate what people choose to make their decisions off of? There is no criteria to vote, and their shouldn't be. If a judge made a decision with no consideration of the law and based it solely on relgion..that would be wrong..and it rarely if ever happens. However, it is PERFECTLY OKAY for a voter to vote against gay marriage because his religious BELIEFS (and I thought we had a discussion on how important these are and how much motivation they provide) are against it. It is not up to the govenrment or anyone to tell someone that what they use to make their decisions when voting is wrong.

This is my last post here tonight..I don't want to wear myself out and post for 3 hours straight etc.
