This has to stop The plot is somewhat intriguing, but I'm not sure I want to start over after CII.

The evil stepmother conjures up a spell that reverses all of which the fairy godmother did. Everything that she had made (the dress, the horses and the carriage) which were the reasons why and how Cinderella went to "The Ball". So when all the magic is gone will there be a happily ever after all? What will Cinderella do? Find out in Cinderella III.
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Your outlooks for yet another direct-to-DVD\vid sequel?

I just loved the art and simplicity of the ORIGINAL Cinderella. I hope this new sequel isn't too bad.

ETA:And some people have already put reviews on Amazon--one even ADMITTED to having recieved a pirate DVD. The reviews have mixed thought. Some loved it, some thought it was middling.