There is a difference between abuse, and punishment for behavoiur...

Smacking a child for bad behavoiur is not a crime, but telling that child it has done wrong, or that something is dangerous and that the smack instantly tells it that, whatever it was gonna touch was nasty or dangerous.

Abuse is physically beating the living daylights out of a child for no reason is wrong, it can damage a childs mind and make them either violent , it can have a nasty effect on the victim.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with a smack on the *** or arm or hand, not hard but hard enough to tell that child no, becuase sometimes no punishment can lead to what we call, problems, I.E. teenagers drinking and causing problems on the street...

The goverment just need to butt out of our buisness they aren't helping they are making thigs worse...

as my nan says: "When i was a young girl, parents would just pull down the childs pants in the middle of wherever they were and slap them hard on the backside, embarrasing the child and it behaved itself." my nan turned out fine, and all the other elderly you see don't go around and cause mayhem do they...