Picture taking from Epona's TLKFAA, I take no credit for this work at all. It's a good piece that I can use as a visual of the pride lands though.
The following map above only shows what is really important to those who are role playing in the pride lands, the jungle that you can see in the south is not the jungle that the Junglers will be living in. The Junglers will be living in another jungle that is situated to the north separated from the pride lands by the elephant graveyard.

The terrain of the pride lands is pretty mixed, there is a lot of flats in the main grazing areas around Pride Rock itself with some small sized hills and several mountainous areas down to the south. Several key rivers flow into the pride lands coming from the jungles in the north and two water holes are present around Pride Rock.

Rafiki's old tree remains down in the south, having survived a few thunder storms striking it remains standing though at the moment unoccupied as is most of the Outlands having taken residence in the pride lands.

The pride lands is a safe haven for those living in it, plenty of available food and drinking water gives those living there a good, happy existence. There are many homes in the pride lands, lots of small dens scattered around plus one main one located at Pride Rock though only royal family and guardians now tend to live there, the hunting party now resides in a den on the underside of the promontory point going down into Pride Rock.