Animal cloning arrived in 1996 with the birth of Dolly the sheep. Cloning is the process of taking a single cell from an adult animal, inserting it into a hollowed-out egg from that species and using an electric shock to "trick" the egg into thinking it has been fertilized. If all goes well, the host mother gives birth to an exact copy ? a genetic twin ? of the adult animal.


I'm sure most of us know about this. The Food and Drug Administration has reaffirmed the use of cloned foods. The FDA believes "that meat and milk from cattle, swine and goat clones is as safe to eat as the food we eat every day," quote unquote. Officials said they don't think special labels are needed, although a decision on labeling is pending. The question of whether the public would buy it is less clear.

Because of unknown health risks associated with cloning, the FDA put a voluntary moratorium on the sale of meat and milk from cloned animals in 2001.


The FDA will issue a final ruling after the public comment period closes April 2, 2007. The ban could be lifted before the end of 2007.

-Voluntary Ban on Cloned Food Remains in Effect Pending Public Comment .