Originally posted by Pnt
I have no problem with responsible hunting, I just ask that the person use what they kill.
I agree

The lion hunts to survive, hunting for sport is another thing. The lion leaves his food when he is done, occasionally some cats may attempt to hide their kill for later. The vulture survives by eating the carrion left behind. It's all part of the great circle of life

Hunting for sport so you can have a deer on your wall(no offense should be taken, offense wa not meant to harm anyone, it is simply my opinion) is not what i'd call the same thing. It may help with the deer population, but one has to remember that it was the humans who intruded onto their habitat and took it away. It is to my understanding that the deer population would be in a well defined ratio with the amount of habitat if the amount of land was the same. However, what needs to be done is what needs to be done.

A mountain lion, bobcat, or bear, rather any animal that does not reproduce at a steady rate, I do not approve of the hunting of it. Not because they're cute and fluffy, but because people tend to not use all of the animal. I personally have never heard of someone eating bobcat meat.