Russia and China may appear to have a lot of space, but they also have environmental issues of their own - both are currently dealing with deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, etc... increased industrialization has contributed to these problems...and let's not forget those countries' endangered species as well.**

Basically, they have the same problems we have where I live...and I fear they may have the same mindset as the developers I know here have as well.
"One more acre won't make a difference".
One acre turns into two, two turns into two hundred.
Industrializing rural areas may help local economies, but it's not so great for Mother Earth - it only spreads the problem.

Roog - I remember hearing something about that too...wasn't there a thread awhile back on how regulated lion hunting may actually help preserve them? *search search*

They're talking about cloning animals for meat (cloned steak anyone?)...I wonder if they'd ever consider cloning animals for hunting?

**As I do not live in either of these countries, do not take my word for gospel...this is just what I read on the The World Factbook.