Amboseli National Park! Okay, after being pleasantly surprised to find that, A) Pride Rock, a large granite structure, is theoretically possible, B) I've seen baboons mingling near lions on these granite structures on television documentaries (yeah, Rafiki's a mandrill, but close enough, huh? ), among other things, I figured out what park area (I'm convinced that Lion King took place before we hominids evolved in East Africa, or long after we all died out...probably leaning to the latter).

The film makers have confirmed for us that Kenya is the country, but because of the appearance of Mt. Kilimanjaro, for many years I thought it actually took place in Tanzania. Well, it just so happens that in Amboseli National Park, it is cliche' to see elephants grazing non-chalantly with old Mt. Kili in the background. It was kind of obvious, I guess, but I just wanted to give my little idea to people who hadn't ever thought about it/never cared, and get some feedback/conflicting views from people who had ever mused about the place where Lion King might have happened.

As for the desert and the rivers, I will continue to study up on that, but for now, Pride Rock, primates and lions, and Amboseli will quench my thirst...if only for a moment.