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Thread: The Libertarian Party

  1. #1
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    The Libertarian Party

    Yeah, I know, just a tad late, but I noticed today that no one around me even knew that the Libertarian Party existed, let alone what it stood for. So I'm gonna tell ya, and maybe it'll turn into a discussion or something

    The Libertarian Party is an international political party with an ideological base (Ideological meaning "Based on an idea", not "Out of touch with reality.")

    Basically, Libertarians believe that a person is the highest earthly authority of their life and how they live it. We believe that, unless a person is harming another individual, that the person has the right to live their life how they so choose. This doesn't mean that we agree with their decisions, just that we believe that they have the right to make that decision. We don't believe that the government needs to hold your hand throughout life and decide what's good and bad for you (Or your money), nor do we believe that it's the government's place to force their morals upon an individual.

    We believe that a person has a choice to smoke, drink and over-eat. We believe that two or more consenting adults have the right to choose what they will be doing in their bedroom. We believe that people have the right to ingest harmful drugs as long as they do not harm another person in the process. We believe that a person has the right to change or modify their body as they see fit. Many libertarians believe that a person, being the highest authority over their life, has the right to decide when that life will end as well. Along with those choices, we believe that a person must take responsibility for their actions. If a person smokes and gets cancer, they have no one to blame but themselves and we don't believe that person is entitled to legal or monetary compensation. To sum it up, Libertarians belive in free will and responsibility.

    A popular concept of the Libertarian Party is "Democrats want the government to be your mother, Republicans want the government to be your father, and Libertarians want you to grow up."

    So, is anyone else here part of the Libertarian Party or share some of it's political views?

  2. #2
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    I was looking to become a member of the Libertarian Party and the Green Party a while ago. If I had to choose a party, it would've been the Libertarian Party. I decided to register myself as an Independent, though. Mainly because I found that sometimes I agree with all the parties at different I decided at the time that it was best if I didn't associate myself with one party. But I might change my mind later on. I am pretty sure I will never become a Democrat or a Republican, they tend to be too polarized in my observations.

  3. #3
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    Some of what I believe politically is Libertarian, but I wouldn't vote for one or claim I'm a member.

  4. #4
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    Some ideas I like..but others I don't. So...I wouldn't consider myself close to one...and I tend to be more Republican at times.


  5. #5
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    How odd, I was actually investigating the Libertarian party for a government simulation at our school (I'm on the Democratic party, but we keep getting owned by the Republicans 'cause it's a Christian school). I agree with most of the policies. However, I think that it's a tad bit extreme sometimes. Firstly, they want lower taxes, but I haven't seen how they would accomplish that. They say that they'll stop a lot of government funding (such as welfare programs), but I don't see how they're going to fund the necessities (roads, parks, etc.) AND keep a fiscally responsible government. My biggest issue (at least with the CA Libertarian governor) was his stance on education. He wanted to dramatically cut public school funding to encourage private school attendance. However, not everybody (especially a lot of illegal immigrants) wants or can afford to send their kids to private school. I'd rather pay taxes to keep a better education system to lower crime and prepare students for jobs. I know they don't want many taxes, but honestly, we NEED taxes, otherwise public services get dramatically cut. Also, they want less restrictions on businesses, but this opens up possibilities for trusts, as well as outsourcing jobs.

    So overall, I think I'm slightly more Democratic than Libertarian. However, if I had to choose a smaller party, I would definetly choose Libertarian. Also, they have the Statue of Liberty as their mascot.

  6. #6
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    Seeing as I'm outside the US, this debate probably isn't relevant to me, but I figured I'd jump in anyways. The party isn't quite international, I don't believe a Libertarian Party exists in the UK.

    Personally, I'm a member of the Liberal Democrats in the UK, so I believe my own political views would probably be more like the United States' Democratic Party, although I do agree with quite a few Libertarian principles, free will and responsibility, the ideology that as long as you aren't harming people it's acceptable. However, I think, like Xinithian, I'm closer to the Democrats than the Libertarians.

  7. #7
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    The Libertarian Party does exist in many European countries, but it's very minor (more minor than in the US).

  8. #8
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    Hmm, I've checked the register of political parties in the UK (found here) and I don't seem to see a Libertarian Party on the drop-down menu, and this list includes very minor parties as well as more major parties.

  9. #9
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    I don't know if there is in the UK, nor do I know under which name it would fall (It's mascot is the statue of liberty in the United States and the party claims to change it's mascot depending on its country of origin), but I'll try to find out for you.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Shatara's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with the libertarians, I find. Ironically enough, however, a political test I took on their own website put me under 'authoritarian', or the polar opposite...XD

    Its amazing how many 'babysitting' laws there are out there really...

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