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Thread: Saddam Hussein sentenced to death

  1. #21
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    if you ask me...i hope he gets hanged "in-corecktly" and gets strangeld.....

  2. #22
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    I dont belive in Death sentances (thank the Green Mile), plus people have been saying that they will avenge his death

  3. #23
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    Originally posted by Only-now
    2) What Ghamu said is BS.
    I don't see how, seeing as there's more than enough evidence. And the torture thing is definitely true; if I remember correctly, a bill was passed allowing it, only renaming torture "pressure," and all kind of sick, depraved things are allowed to go on now.

  4. #24
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    ^ I agree with neph on that point.

    Ghamu.. you are right But also XxBlackXxParadeXx.. yes i totally agree with that.. Green Mile is a horrendously amazing film

    Anyone who agrees with the Death Penalty MUST watch this, mainly because it shows what happens when people judge others wrong.

    On Saddam.. I personally don't like the idea of him choking to death.. or his spine cracking or anything.. I definatly think the bugger should suffer.. heck suffer A LOT!! But if we make him suffer a lot.. then aren't we just as bad as him.. simply calling it justice? How the f**k does that work?????

  5. #25
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    I was merely stating that what I wrote was not my full reply. I have more to state on this issue than what I wrote earlier. It sure will attract me..I love my country. Though..these type of threads attract your type as I hope that wasn't meant as an insult.

    1) Abu (however you spell it) does not even come CLOSE to torture whatsover. Also....I would like to state that it was the US military that told the media about what happened at that prison. The media did not find it out wasn't a conspiracy etc. Not to mention our military does not endorse that type of action...all those soldiers were punished etc. If you did want to say the military endorses it..then why would they break the news to the media when apparently uninformed people like yourself...would use it against them? Putting bags over someone's head...and making them stand naked is not even CLOSE to torture. Not even CLOSE to what Saddam did. Throwing live babies against walls...raping women in front of their husbands...and supporters of him cutting off innocent's heads? You want to compare that and what happened by a few over-zealous soldiers?

    2) "Concentration Camp"?! *laughs*. It is a prison man! The whole world knows about it! They get three meals a day, prayers and signs telling guards not to disturb them etc etc. In fact..some prisoners have even said that they live better there than they did in Afganistan or Iraq! You want to call it a concentration camp?

    3) Of course we would have secret prisons. What is wrong with that? They are in warring nations...filled with insurgents. Why would we want the location of those places known to the public? So they can be attacked and suspected terrorists can escape and cause more trouble?

    4) Neph...that law does not allow torture. I get tired of those statements. It defines what IS an isn't allowed so that our interrogators won't get in trouble by going too far. Not to mention, most of the tactics we use aren't even close to torture. Some of them include water boarding (which even a news reporter volunteered to undergo and a high up terrorist only survived two minutes of it before giving up valuable info that saved American lives), loud rock music, cold rooms. None of that is torture..and frankly I wouldn't mind more extreme methods if it saves innocent American's or American soldier's lives. Apparently you guys are saying that you would prefer to be kind and considerate to a criminal who wants to kill you and your family and that that type of man is worth losing brave soldiers and innocent people's lives for? That philosophy doesn't seem to fit to me. I don't endorse torture..but I fully believe that we don't do anything that cruel and what we do do has shown results.

    I've watched the Green Mile and I still agree with the death penalty. Hanging is not cruel or painful if done right (for the second time). So..if you are a bleeding heart and think this man deserves a quick death then he IS getting one if it makes you feel any better. He does deserve death...and in my opinion a much worse one.

    This thread wasn't about the U.S's policies or anything. The Iraqi people convicted him..and sentenced him. We could have just shot him when we found him and it would have been really easy...but we didn't. So...Idk how we got the idea that this was a US trial or something. If you don't like the sentence yell at the Iraqi people.


  6. #26
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    But if we make him suffer a lot.. then aren't we just as bad as him.. simply calling it justice? How the f**k does that work?????
    It works because we aren't taking it out on him... Iraqis are, in their own courts, with their own mix of Islamic and Western traditions. It's a completely fair verdict. For any nation, including the US, to intervene and say, "No, you can't hang him, but you have to put him in jail or send him to international court," (Milosevic anyone?) would be incredibly rude to the Iraqis who actually have suffered under his rule, and indescribably disrespectful to those hundreds of thousands who died at his hands.

    Only-now, you're right about Abu-Ghraib. Worse is done as fraternity hazing at US colleges. Saddam forcing men to watch their pregnant wives forced through a meat grinder does not compare, not in the US, not in the UK, not in Iraq... it's shameful to even mention the two as remotely similar.

    Guantanamo Bay... lol, more like Club Guantanamo:
    There is no solitary confinement at Guantanamo; even at maximum-security Camp 5, the cells have outside light and openings in the doors through which detainees can communicate with one another. They have ample contact with the world beyond the camp, too. "Over 40,000 pieces of mail have come in and out of here," Adm. Harris says. "If you chose to write one of them a letter, all you'd need to do is put their name on it, say 'Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,' put our ZIP code on it, and they will get that letter.

    "Most of the detainees have lawyers," the admiral adds. "There are over 900 habeas lawyers representing less than 450 detainees," and the lawyers are free to visit their clients. Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross "come down for almost a month at a time, four times a year, and then [for shorter periods] at other times, and they have unfettered access to any detainee they want to see, whenever they want to see them."
    They deserve much worse.

    And secret prisons? Gasp! That makes the US a dictatorship and Bush a dictator! Golly gee, I sure hope the NSA doesn't wiretap me and throw me in one!

    And so what if we defined torture for ourselves? The US says that torture will and won't be certain things for prisoners under our control. Who cares what other say? Our democracy, our rules.

    And death penalty = teh pwn.

    In the name of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove, Amen.

  7. #27
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    Good post man *pats you on the back* That was very informed and correct too


  8. #28
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    It works because we aren't taking it out on him... Iraqis are, in their own courts, with their own mix of Islamic and Western traditions. It's a completely fair verdict.
    I meant whoever was taking out punishment out on him.. not the US.. thus that means they are just as bad him!!!!!

    I'mnotgonnarantabouttheUScoswiththemoodI'minIcould goonfordays!!!!

    Otherwise that was a well thought out reply, I agree *Must Resist KILLING*

  9. #29
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    In the name of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove, Amen.

    ♩ "Summer's going fast, nights growing colder.
    Children growing up, old friends growing older.
    Freeze this moment a little bit longer.
    Make each sensation a little bit stronger." ♩

  10. #30
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    Oops...I forgot: Amen!


  11. #31
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    Originally posted by Only-now

    I've watched the Green Mile and I still agree with the death penalty. Hanging is not cruel or painful if done right (for the second time). So..if you are a bleeding heart and think this man deserves a quick death then he IS getting one if it makes you feel any better. He does deserve death...and in my opinion a much worse one.
    I dont think he deserves a quick death, i dont think he should be killed at all

  12. #32
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    Originally posted by Darkslash

    In the name of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Karl Rove, Amen.
    ...What the hell?...

    Anyways, some people in the military do bad things, because they are human and humans will do bad things. But you have good people in the military, too. Just a few weeks ago this soldier reported how members of his unit raped and killed people in this one village. HE did the right thing...many soldiers risk thier lives and such to do the right thing...just as there are the ones who do the wrong things. It's just too bad that the wrongs things make the news more so than the right. Anyways, this is pertaining to acts such as Abu Grahib(sp*).

    I don't agree with the death penalty...all it mainly does is control the population in prisons. Other than that it doesn't really accomplish much and is a poor source of closure.

  13. #33
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    hanging is to mild i say stone the basterd..

  14. #34
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    They should put him in acid and let the bastard die in it.

  15. #35
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    Wouldn't making Saddam be subjected to a hideously cruel death be just as bad as what that man did to other people? I've never been a fan of "An eye for an eye," I always figured it led to blindness.

  16. #36
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    Originally posted by Pnt
    Wouldn't making Saddam be subjected to a hideously cruel death be just as bad as what that man did to other people? I've never been a fan of "An eye for an eye," I always figured it led to blindness.
    You may be opposed to the death penalty on principle.

    But to oppose anything but death, in whatever form, for such a maniacal tyrant, shows that one has already blinded oneself to the evil he has wrought on his country. It would be to send the message that, though hundreds of thousands die at his hand, he wins by remaining alive.

    I support whatever the Iraqis want to do to him. They suffered, they choose the punishment. We have no right to condemn their choice. I'd be a bit disappointed if they had chosen life imprisonment, but I would support them, had that near-impossible scenario played out.

  17. #37
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    Originally posted by Pnt
    Wouldn't making Saddam be subjected to a hideously cruel death be just as bad as what that man did to other people? I've never been a fan of "An eye for an eye," I always figured it led to blindness.'s like Gandhi said..."An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind" He also said this..."I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

  18. #38
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    In the name of George W. Bush
    WTF? That man couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, he did nothing to help the war, and with the help of Mr Blair, actually made things worse. Those two are like a pair of chocolate fireguards.

    As for Saddam, I don't care how he dies, as long as he does die.

  19. #39
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    Everyone has thier opinion. I believe in the death penalty because I do believe that it a punishment that fits certain crimes. If someone takes the life of another person...that person can never come back. Life imprisonment still gets the criminal food, sunlight (if even for an hour), and thoughts. Something the victim can never have again. If there is a hell..and that criminal is going there...then I say we speed up the time he has to wait. Obviously not every crime deserves this..but I do think it is a punishment that is plausible and valuable.


  20. #40
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    You may be opposed to the death penalty on principle.

    But to oppose anything but death, in whatever form, for such a maniacal tyrant, shows that one has already blinded oneself to the evil he has wrought on his country. It would be to send the message that, though hundreds of thousands die at his hand, he wins by remaining alive.

    I support whatever the Iraqis want to do to him. They suffered, they choose the punishment. We have no right to condemn their choice. I'd be a bit disappointed if they had chosen life imprisonment, but I would support them, had that near-impossible scenario played out.
    I don't like those sorts of absolute statements, never made much sense to me. "If you don't agree with me wholeheartedly, you're ignorant to the situation" just doesn't fly too well in an intelligent discussion. I have every right to condemn the Iraqi's choice, a decade of horrific treatment does not entitle a people to a silence-those-who-disagree card. Violence is violence, and as Roog was saying, I have yet to see anything good come from it.

    My opinions on that aside, that wasn't actually wasn't my original issue. My issue is some people thinking that a man should be dipped in acid or skinned alive. I don't care who the man was, that's horrific and cruel. The whole, "He did it to other people," defense just puts those who'd do this to him at his level. Now, I'm not talking to anyone in particular, I don't see much of a point in calling someone out on an internet forum, but asking for a man to be skinned alive, dipped in acid, or strangled to death is an improper way to deal with strong emotions and, frankly, is just extremely cruel. I don't like people celebrating another man's condemnation either, that's just not something to laugh and cheer about.

    As for the death penalty, well, I think it's one of those shades-of-gray issues. Killing the man who killed someone else does fit the original crime. I guess that turns into a question of whether that's good, because from my perspective, you now have at least two dead people, at least two miserable families, and you're not a single bit closer to improving the situation.

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