Well, she's the talk show host of her show Oprah and on it she discusses different topics everyday, all of them about helping and benefitting people all over the world. In fact, I just finished watching an episode. She showed some recaps about how she helped a young African girl that experienced the Genocide (something or other) in Rwanda and reunited her with her family whom she was separated from.

Another recap was of an episode when she went shopping with Bono of U2 for some popular items in code red like red Motorola RAZR phones, red iPods, red t-shirts from the Gap, etc. All proceeds from the purchased items went to buy treatments for pregnant African women with HIV to prevent transmission to their babies.

I really do admire her, and no, not because she's black and not because she's female, but because of what she does every single day to help make the world a better place. As corny as that may sound LOL xD