First name: Sakura
Middle name: ---[If character has one]
Surname: ---
Nickname/s: Kuku {Any yah want to make up is fine.}
Age: Young - Adult. Don`t exactly know the equivalent in human or lion years. xc
Family: Deceased
Mate: No Mate
Pride: Pridelander
Position in pride: Warrior/Huntress {She often fights, but will hunt in spare time.}[will put up list in the prides section about what positions are going]
Height: Normal Size, Slightly Taller.
Weight: Skinny, but not underweight.
Build: Skinny.
Distinguishing features: A white swirl on her right shoulder, branded by a wise shaman that told her "Your future is great, but your past is a tragedy."
Disability or health problem: None.
Main body fur colour/s: A Golden Creamy Colour
Mane colour/s: She has a single golden tuft going slightly over her eye. [If character has one]
Belly fur colour: Cream.
Tail Tuft colour/s: Golden, curled at tip.
Inner ear colour: Brownish colour.
Reference picture/s:

Drawn By Astraia {A good freind.} [If you have one then it would be good to see, if not try and hunt one down if you can. Try TLKFAA or fur affinity. Just gives a better understanding about what your character looks like]
Character Biography:Sakura had a pretty much peaceful life, enjoying all parts of it. She is from a tribe of lionesses, and lionesses alone. When her mother was pregnant, she was chased from the pride, as she had betrayed the prides laws of "Having more than friendship with a male." The lionesses in the pride lost all respect, and Sakura`s mother was slowly starving, inside her, it seemed Sakura gave her the strength to hunt, and soon after, Sakura was born a healthy cub, taking most of her mothers attributes and her fathers looks and wits. As soon as she opened her eyes, Sakura was bathing her mother in affectionate little licks and purring all the time, and then her mother named her Sakura. Sakura grew into a young, slightly chubby cub, but none the less loved pouncing on field mice. She`d always let them go after, she woulden`t be mean and kill them, as they haden`t hurt her. As a teen, her father had located Sakura and her mother, and was proud of his daughter. They traveled as a family, enjoying the peace. Eventually they came upon a wise lion with the name of Mihamoto, and he told Sakura that she was to be blessed with a wonderful future, but also a tragic past. The shaman branded her with her swirl mark on her shoulder, and she wears it with pride. However, the moment she left, was the moment she wished she wasen`t born. As they slept at night, a fire, with an unknown cause spread rapidly through the forest. Sakura was awoken by her father, who was barely clinging to life, his mane burn`t, and his back had been burn`t horribly. She let out a wail, and fled, and ran. When she looked behind her, her parents weren`t there, they had met their fates to the fire, and since then, she has traveled alone.
Sample role-play: The golden colored fae basked upon her favorite sunning rock. Not only did it give her warmth, it also gave her a nice watch over the Pridelands. Letting out a content purr, Sakura rolls onto her back, resting her forepaws on her fluffy cream underbelly. Boy, it was weird looking upside down. Soon, she flipped herself back over, lying upside down made her dizzy. Soon, bored of lying around and doing nothing, her cub like adventurousness kicked in. Standing up, she stretches, her back and legs cracking, as she yawns rather quietly, but rewarded with a few stares from her pride-sisters for a few seconds. Blushing in embarrassment, she quickly scurries away.
Upon finding the waterhole, she decides to mess around here for a while. She bends down to take a drink of the.. well, not so clean water. What had been going on in here? Pool party? Without her? Oh the horror! She chuckles briefly, thinking about what could`ve happened. Soon, she gets up once more, looking around for a secret cave or crevice, and soon enough she came upon a cave with vines hanging over the edge, just under priderock.
Interesting. She thinks, stepping inside. There were a few cobwebs dotted around, but once cleaned up, she could claim this cave as her own. Awesome. She lies in the center, as the sun begins to go down. She did think it was rather late in the day. She rests her head on her paws, and closes her soft blue eyes, finally drifting off to sleep.[Just to see at what sort of level your role-playing skills are at. A minimum of 4 lines and a page maximum of random made up role-play with your character.]