I'm being followed very strictly by the unemployment agency, I can't just do volenteer work, because when the checking-up starts, I'll have to be more at their office then I could actually do some work for someone.
And to be honest, I don't really want too. I worked my butt of in school, I really wanna do something with that, and earn money.
I feel like, that if I'm not good enough to get hired and to get payed, I will be good enough to do stuff for free?

I'm sorry, I have very different opinions on things in life

But today I got a letter saying, my last interview, I didn't pass *sigh*.
What did I do? Open the fridge and sob.

I also don't eat breakfast If I wake up at 7am, I cannot eat untill at least 10am, my stomach can't handle food in the morning very well.

My other problem is, I don't eat any fruits or vegs. Besides carrots and red cabbage.
So it's extremely hard to find some kind of diet-type-thing where I can still eat the things I do eat.