Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
isn't that in 1st corinthians 6? or 5? Well I think they showed to much affection or what not and were condemned.. or something, But yeah, No christian should judge others, since it says so in the bible, Only god/Chris jesus, can do so :s

the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?... that's in genesis chapter 19...

Originally posted by Nephilim
Oh yes, that's a fantasic story! I mean, it promotes rape and abuse of women in such a way that is sickening, and also the objectification of them.
It doesn't promote any of that... those cities were both destroyed because of sins like that... I'm not sure what version of the story you've read, but try reading genesis chapter 19, in a bible, that's where the true story of Sodom and Gomorrah is located

[i]At the end of a day it was just written by a misogynist, at the time when male/male relationships were trying to be destroyed by the Jews etc.[/B]
Jews weren't even called 'Jews' back then... this was back when 'Abraham' was living.