Originally posted by Katse
I have nothing against gays, but I'll admit there is a feeling real, real, /real/ deep down inside of me that tells me it's just... not right. I think it's that kind of animal instinct or something. I don't know. However, I almost always don't let that hinder my perception of any homosexuals I meet.
I agree with that completely.

I've met many gay people in my life, and although I'm not friends with any, just aquantences, I don't have a problem with it. But I don't know, no matter how my head tells me that it doesn't matter what they do, deep down I feel that it just isn't natural, God didn't intent it to be that way. I was brought up a strict Catholic, so maybe thats why I feel this way, I really can't describe it. But I would never judge a person because of their sexual preferance, I would judge them as a person, just the same as I judge everyone else.

Gay marriage doesn't bother me, it's not like it effects my life so I don't see why they shouldn't.

The only thing that I do dislike about some homosexuals is when they are so in your face about it, and feel the need to mention their sexuality to you in every other sentence. That irritates me. You don't get straight people boasting that they like the opposite sex, so why should some gay people do it?