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Thread: Global warming: Truth or Ficition

  1. #21
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    It is not something that will directly affect our generation, but we may be able to slow it down. I'm not much of a scientist, and I do not know enough but, all resources are limited. If not now, when?

  2. #22
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    Originally posted by S0nique
    I can't.
    Then please, don't insult my species.

    As for global warming, I'd say there's probably very little to be done to reverse it today, so we better find a way to fix it tomorrow.

  3. #23
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pntbll248
    Then please, don't insult my species.
    Sorry. But you've entered "The Shadowy Place" . . .

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  4. #24
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    True, you weren't breaking any rules, but that is just an annoying thought to keep hearing over and over. Of course there are certain groups of people, or individuals that are evil, but the vast majority are good, morally bound people. We are like any other animal, we above all else want to survive, yet our intelligence has helped us make our life easier. Our goal, however, as I stated is to stay alive, just like any animal. So, through logic, you can see that even if our entire species didn't have any morals, and didn't care about animals or the environment, it would STILL be in our best interest as animals to stop globally warming or "fix" it if it threatens our existence. Personally, I just hate hearing how we are the cause of everything, and how terrible we are, and selfish, and are out just to kill and maim every living thing on the planet. It just isn't true, and I and others (at least I hope) get tired of hearing it.

    Anyways, StE, I got that info from a long article I didn't have the patience to read online. I cannot remember the site, cause I found it after going through so many sites, but that is one set of info I recieved. There is a large amount of CO2 released from the oceans and water of the Earth, as well as other living things. If I remember correctly, we only contribute about 10%, which isn't much at all. No one is really saying that global warming isn't happening, but I don't really agree that it is totally our doings that are causing it. Also, even if it is our "fault" (and regardless of that, we should try to develop a way to limit it for our own sake), that really shouldn't be the issue. The issue should be that we need to slow it down, reverse it, or fix it. Of course we first have to know whether we are contributing enough to worry, and then what to stop or fix. The only people interested in knowing whether it can be contributed to us after this fact, are the ones who want to criticize all of humanity, or an individual country.

    Global warming became an issue for us when we realized it, and it isn't like we are ignoring it. So, really there is no reason to blame humanity because we did not know that is caused such harm. It isn't like we did it anyway, or did it deliberately to hurt the the blame game needs to stop. We need to focus on fixing or reversing the effect if we can.


  5. #25
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    Very good point, Kiva. Blame games get us nowhere.

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  6. #26
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    Originally posted by S0nique
    Why is that, people are the cause. But face the facts, humanity is the skin of all evil.
    Humans are the most destructive, but that doesn't necessarily mean evil. I mean, you can't help but use up so many resources. I think that the human population is too numerous now, and nature was never intended to accomodate this many people. But just because we can't help using lots of resources doesn't mean that everybody's evil.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Kovu The Lion's Avatar
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    Dunno if I've posted in this, But Global Warming is a proven fact

    Tons and tons of people agree upon this that it happens, what we don't agree on is

    How it happens,

    I'd say it's from the holes in the ozone layers, others would say its greenhouse effects, and some say its from chemicals in the air, which really leads to what I say.

    Really dunno what else I can say :$

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  8. #28
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Global Warming is a fact!

    Said affects are rising sea levels, flooding, melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, more frequent and stronger El Ni?os and La Ni?as, drought, heat waves, and forest fires. This is one big counterbalance to the balance of Nature. Philosophy suggests nature will hold its fire. Nature will have to do something very bad to correct this. But philosophy aside. I believe what disturbs me the most is extreme weather. The World Meteorological Organization suggested a possible link between global warming and increasingly bad weather scenarios. Like hurricanes and typhoons becoming superstorms; and the likelihood of increased number of tornadoes each year. Based on analog records, strong El Ni?os can cause major drought systems. Of something more in particular interest is (ref. Ganopolski-Rahmstorf) the Shutdown of the Thermohaline Circulation (see "The Day After Tomorrow (2004) for facts and scenarios".) (Pre-preface theories: The Stommel and Arons Theory: MOC)

    The IMPORTANCE of Global Warming is realizing it. The affects of Global Warming is unstoppable. But perhaps slowing it down is not. Global Warming is a natural phase. But a phase out of control! Nature will lend its big ole' hand to correct this. The Cycles show this.

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  9. #29
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Sonique is right on the button here. We have always had our ice ages that come and go as the world wobbles around on it's orbit, but the changes that we make on the environment change the course of nature. With the destruction of the atmosphere, we made it possible for the Earth to get too hot during this phaze of the cycle. We can't stop the Earth's natural cycle, altered or not, but we can stop anymore serious altering and hope for the best that life will be able to survive this go-round, and work with the next ice age to fix it as best we can.

    Think of it this way. You have a dog, say a playful energetic Pitbull. The Pitbull has puppies, and you give one to your friend, who is busy and a bit neglectful. Now your friend has a Pitbull who is much shyer and timid, and acts out toward strangers. Your friends Pitbull has puppies of it's own(Much later, or course). They give one of the puppies to some really cruel kid who turns around and abuses and beats the Pitbull. Chances are, this Pitbull, due to it's gentle nature being altered, will by mean and agressive. But in the end, as mush as it's personality is the exact opposite of it's grandmother's, it is still a Pitbull.

    See, by nature's design, Pitbulls are very physical creatures. Whether that evergy is released though play, nervousness, or agression depends on how we alter their behavior with our own behavior.
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  10. #30
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    dont forget though that its also said that the world gets hoter every 500 years our so and goes down again...

    seriesly its an issue yes but it wont END THE WORLD so at say...sure the best thing would to do something abut it but remember that the whole thing CAN be natrual to " not saying it is" so if you ask not really worried

    its so freaking low that even presetents and capmian chosers uses it to win the ppl

    "if i become president i will fix the global warming!"

    did you guys know that Amarica is the ONLY land in the WORLD that has not sighed on that we all have to lower something (cant remember exaktly what) but thats dubble moral right there (Save the planet) ok here sigh this along with the rest of the world so we can do soemthing abut it (GHA no we dont want to sacrafies anything and wont sigh on!.......SAVE THE PLANET)

    thats preety mutch amaricas leaders in summary...."not ditcing the ppl in other words but the richs *** idot leaders who only wants to make money even if it means end of the world.....

  11. #31
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Hate to say it, but most American polititions arn't the biggest environmentalists in the world, least of all Bush. This is somthing politics arn't going to fix.
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  12. #32
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    i think this is all true, yes, why not ... <.< i dont really know how to explain it all at once ...

  13. #33
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    From what I've learned since this thread started, and before, I think that the world is warmer than it was 200 or 300 years ago; there's not much argument against that. There's also little doubt that over tens of millions of years, the Earth is actually cooling off, but that's irrelevant to the current issue, as that's over such a long timespan. What we don't know, however, is the cause. Despite popular belief, many scientists think that this is mostly just a normal phase. Others think this is completely the fault of human beings. Others think that mass amounts of gasses being released from natural earth process, like methane rising from the ocean, is to blame. Personally, I think there's quite a few variables that are responsible.

    @Shadow: To my knowledge, that agreement wasn't signed because of political coercion on the part of Japan and other countries, something we didn't want any part of, as well as poor wording of the actual document. It would also cause economic hardships, which could in turn cause economic problems all over the world. A poor economic situation usually leads to poor environmental practices. The United States is not the only country in the world to not sign it, it's the only country that was asked to sign it that would not.

  14. #34
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pnt
    From what I've learned since this thread started, and before, I think that the world is warmer than it was 200 or 300 years ago; there's not much argument against that. There's also little doubt that over tens of millions of years, the Earth is actually cooling off, but that's irrelevant to the current issue, as that's over such a long timespan. What we don't know, however, is the cause. Despite popular belief, many scientists think that this is mostly just a normal phase. Others think this is completely the fault of human beings. Others think that mass amounts of gasses being released from natural earth process, like methane rising from the ocean, is to blame. Personally, I think there's quite a few variables that are responsible.
    It is just a normal phaze, opposite of the ice age, among other things.

    I would say that a little bit of avarything is invloved. No one cause is at full blame. Things build up(In the past we didn't know how harmfull polution from cars and factopries are, so we had no reason to better them) and nature takes it cause(The world is going to end someday, whether it be by over-heating, decay of orbit, the sun itself dieing, or whtever, and there is nothing we can do to stop any of those things).

    The human race has made mistakes, and can be lazy, but no way is the entire race evil or stupid.
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  15. #35
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    Hehehehe i remember doing this in geography, i had a test on it asking name how many ways you can stop global warming or whatever.... lol i litrelly wrote another way to stop global warming is too block out the sun

  16. #36
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    Global Warming Effects Could Be Seen in 10 Years: Jan. 30, 2007 ? A major new report on global warming slated to be released Friday raises new fears that the earth's climate is changing faster than anyone thought possible.

    Today, 500 of the world's top scientists are meeting behind closed doors to finish a landmark report on global warming, and the picture they paint is not pretty. They say changes in the climate could start happening within the next 10 years.


    [ .]

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  17. #37
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    Yay for alarmism!

    People, we're at the end of a cold period of a cyclical warm/cool fluctuation. It's getting warmer, most of it is not due to human activity. End of story.

  18. #38
    Sonique Stormfury's Avatar
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    A Glacial Period (Neogene Period/Cenozoic Era. - Today-) Global warming is a natural recurring phase. It keeps stability to our eco-structure. But with global warming acceleration; that is our fault. We will be 'at fault' for any change in the Earth's naturale cycles. It's still not clear what profound interactions will take play; but in all earnest, it bears attention!

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  19. #39
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    So you'll say that the version of "global warming" espoused by pseudo-scientists and agenda-pushers on a mass scale these days -- that the earth would not warm without human involvement, that humans are solely responsible for 2-3% increase in temperature over 200+ years -- is not what you believe?

    A cycle is supported by far more scientific fact and common sense -- and the debate then becomes to what extent have humans influenced the cycle? I say we play a very small part, not worthy of addressing by drastic policy measures and economic restraint.

  20. #40
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    From my understanding...the average temperature has risen faster in the last century than during any other time in history.

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