Originally posted by Pnt
From what I've learned since this thread started, and before, I think that the world is warmer than it was 200 or 300 years ago; there's not much argument against that. There's also little doubt that over tens of millions of years, the Earth is actually cooling off, but that's irrelevant to the current issue, as that's over such a long timespan. What we don't know, however, is the cause. Despite popular belief, many scientists think that this is mostly just a normal phase. Others think this is completely the fault of human beings. Others think that mass amounts of gasses being released from natural earth process, like methane rising from the ocean, is to blame. Personally, I think there's quite a few variables that are responsible.
It is just a normal phaze, opposite of the ice age, among other things.

I would say that a little bit of avarything is invloved. No one cause is at full blame. Things build up(In the past we didn't know how harmfull polution from cars and factopries are, so we had no reason to better them) and nature takes it cause(The world is going to end someday, whether it be by over-heating, decay of orbit, the sun itself dieing, or whtever, and there is nothing we can do to stop any of those things).

The human race has made mistakes, and can be lazy, but no way is the entire race evil or stupid.