
Let me just start this by saying that I had a hard time trying to get everyone quoted, so I just went back through and put peoples quotes in red. Also, just let me say that I'm not trying to be aggressive toward anyone. So, if it comes off that way, please, forgive my inability to express my true feelings with words.

?The reason being that in the Bible, it doesn't say how God created the Universe, all it says is that he created it. So it is possible that he created it using the Big Bang, and the time span of 7 days, refers to some long period of time.? -Azerane [/red]

That?s a good point! I never considered it that way!

Alot of this is based around the same type of argument that is placed on Darwin?s writings. People say that Darwin wrote what he did in order to disprove God. But Darwin actually believed in God, though it was one who was not omnipresent, and that that God created the original entitify from which all other life grew. He says that God was actually more of a genius because in doing this, he made sure that species would continue to exist on Earth, as they would be able to adapt. I agree with Azerane?s point that this stuff is actually more connected than people often believe. But it all connects back to there indeed being an entity which is God.

?I believe the story in the bible about Adam and Eve was more of a way to explain the creation of the universe to a group of people who couldn't possibly begin to understand the big bang theory. And at the same time it presented a story that tried to give people a reason for all the pain and suffering in the world they had to endure.

So, I don't think the creation story in the bible is wrong, it's just different. Designed for a certain audience. Kinda like if your two year old asked you how the carborator on a 1974 ford worked.? -Kintaru

That?s a really good point!

?Also, in religion class, they told us that Eve was born/made out of a rib from Adam?

How's that even possible *scratches head*? -Nathalie

That does seem curious, but it also says that Adam was made from mud. So, each is as curious as the other. Adam wasn?t made in a normal way and Eve in some far off, crazy way.

?Hmm...in history,they only taught us things they could actually proove, not theories...? -Neola

Then we had really different history classes. Did you all go over the theories about how J.F.K. was shot? Actually, just about all of the stuff that they talk about in history class is theoretical. They weren?t there and the people who wrote the primary sources often weren?t either. They just look at the overview and fill in lots and lots of pages with theories.

?So you believe it's wrong to wear clothes made of more than fabric, and you don't leave your house during your period?? -Nephilim Perhaps they throw in the menstruation bit because it?d be more comfortable for the individual? I mean, I?ve only been around a few people when that?s going on, and it doesn?t look like they?re having a good time. Perhaps being in private would be more comfortable for them? And I?m not sure about the fabric bit: does that mean that it shouldn?t have jewels attached?

?Hmm.. I do not believe in god. And I have to say I don't understand how the big bang could not be true.

Well think about it, it's said that the bang was some sort of a fission, meaning that a huge amount of very solid mass exploded into little pieces. And there's also fusion.
I'm not very good at explaining this, but doesn't it then mean that it's possible that before the big bang, there was something else, something similar to what we have now, and it got into this solid "lump" by fusion and then exploded into our world.

It still doesn't say how it all started, but I think it's a lot better answer than any gods.? -Titunen

But you?re left with the question of where that other world came from? Where did it?s material come from?

Oh, and the Adam and Eve idea? Just think of all the incest that brings up.?-Nephilim. Well, then you hardly believe all the Bible says. Or at least, you don't put it all into practise, right?

I?m not sure that that?s a valid point. What has that got to do with anything? And just think about it: before the last fifty or sixty years, incest was not frowned upon at all. You?re committing the same fallacy as the people whom you criticize from the earlier world: that they look at life from the perspective of only their time period. And that last bit is nothing more than a rather vicious personal attack and is highly inappropriate.

?All humans were also meant to live in Eden and Eden alone forever.?-Nephilim

I?m not sure where you got this from. I?ve actually read that part of the bible really recently, and I didn?t see anything about that.

he also tells them to "be fruitful and multiply in number," or something that effect.? -Nephilim

God doesn?t say anything like that to Adam and Eve. He says that to a man much later in the bible, because that man would create kings. So, no, that has nothing to do with Adam and Eve.

?however the evidence against it is huge.?-SimbaTheLion No, it?s actually not. I just did a presentation on this and, no, the evidence really isn?t ?huge?. In fact, there?s just as little evidence to support it as there is to support faith.

?as said there is many religions and it is impossible to tell what is right if any is.? -SimbaTheMighty

You?re absolutely right. But there is one religion which is different. All of the religions except one are about followers who attempt to do enough stuff that is ?right? in order to get a reward. The only religion which has followers who have a god who has descended to Earth and is there for them is Christianity. This is neither here nor there and a bit off topic, but it?s just something of which I?ve recently become aware and I thought it?d be cool to fit it in here somewhere!