Sorry if this is off topic but I think there needs to be something said.
Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
if you want to get technical about it, God never existed as a physical being, but only through the body of Jesus Christ, as God is nothing but a spirit as he tells John when he asks to see him god replies

"NO man can ever see me"

Thats called the holy trinity , God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, The body, Mind, and Soul.
This is a topic of much debate actually. If God doesn't have a physical body, how could he talk to Moses "face to face as a man speaketh to his friend" (that quote may be off) I believe that's in Exodus 33 somewhere. Or how could we have been created in his image if in reality, he has no physical body to mimick? In my opinion that scripture from John is one of those things in the bible that got distorted with time. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, as some of you may know I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or mormon) and Joseph Smith got revelations from God about scriptures in the bible that were contradicting (I'd be happy to look up the exact history if someone wants me to). These revelations are commonly called the Joseph Smith translation (he did not re-make the bible by any means, simply corrected scriptures here and there). (Obviously if you don't believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet this will have no significance to you, but I thought it best to explain that so you know where I'm coming from.) That scripture was suppose to be something along the lines of "No sinful man can ever see God" which makes sense. I'll look more into the context of this scripture (and double check the translation) later if anyone would like me to (if you want to discuss this more with me leave me a private message). Anyway, if this post is too off topic please just delete it or whatever it is you do to off-topic posts.