I really like the sound of this, it's a very awesome idea I'll go ahead and try my hand with Geno, I'll edit this post with my sketch later

EDIT: Alright, here's my effort with Geno ^^ It's the first time I draw an elephant, so I used a picture as a reference. It was a good exercise, I hope you like it, Kasei

As for whoever does a sketch for me, you can either draw Coatl (http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/E...LeorJaguar.jpg / http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/d...pscdf09b89.jpg)
Or for something new, you could try your hand at my new lion character, Kareem (http://i531.photobucket.com/albums/d...psc47ed725.png). This one was designed by KS for me, it's intended to look like my real self, so don't forget the mane is curly like my hair