I work 40+ hours a week with 13 credit hours of school on top of that.
Monday, I work from 0600-1400 and have class from 1600-2200. I return to work Tuesday from 0600-1400, have class from 1800-2100, and work then on Wednesday from 0600-1400 with class at 1400-1800. Thursday and Friday I work 0600-1400. Weekends I am off, doing work for school anyways.


I am contracted security. I started on the physical security side, your typical sit a gate, drive in an SUV, deal with terminations and escorts, etc. I did that for less than a year (6 months about). At that time I was the leading officer for a promotion to co-supervisor. The second runner up was the default, this guy Charles who is in my opinion a flake. I have this problem with writing anyone off in the work place who is not competent. This guy admits he doesn't care and does not want stress. Wants a leadership role ....

The company we are contracted to, it's a HUGE credit card company. This site is alllll information systems, the data centers, staff that operates it..where the decisions to rule all decision get made. One of the Headquarters for North America offices. So the scope is HUGE. They have a department in the heart of the building that is an operations and risk analysis center. They monitor all 200+ global accounts, badge systems, CCTV, alarms, staff, high risk travelers (to high risks areas or our offices in high risks zones), monitor data restricted travel, get intelligence reports etc. It can appear isolated in there, but there's a reason...a lot of information in one place. They started phasing contracted security in to do systems related work; badge and alarm monitoring, CCTV work, helpdesk support, phones, etc. The actual employees are free to do analyst stuff now.

They pulled me day one because I was recommended by chiefs of security. So I opted out of the leadership role (it is a dead end, in my opinion). Charles said he'd be a backup in the operations center, but wanted physical security. The work is very easy in there when you figure it out. Good money and my entire approach was "Golden door of opportunities bite your lip and give them hell!"...you get in there, the world opens up for you in other departments. We've had hire turnover because contracted security is apparently not bright people.

The biggest issue has been laziness, officers just don't action things.
I've been there for over a year and was interviewed for a few spots but lack credentials...also am not very interested but interviewed for good merit. Someone asks you to interview and you decline, they remember that well enough. It's a fine line to walk in corporate life.

Well......we need 6 bodies in there, 4 on full and 2 backups. We have 2. 2 bodies. Me, and another guy who is outta the military. Our backup is Charles.

TUESDAY, I'm sitting there at 9am and the boss for physical security says we have a problem. Charles called off. Our alternative is Josh, that new guy...but I feel protective of him because he is competent, does well and a fast learned but already we are tapping into him for this BS thats ridiculous. Charles flakes off work a lot, and he's a co supervisor...let that sink in. I said I'd do it and had to take my one free excused absence from English 102. I suggested to have Charles rotate and he works my Wednesday morning; we both get our 40 hours for the week and no overtime is billed to the account. That boss starts calling Josh. Freaking stupid, she does not listen to me. Josh calls me in frustration wanting to help but he'd need a babysitter, his wife would have to change times, etc I told him to disregard it, I can work it - it was between me and Charles.

I worked 16 hours straight with a less than 8 hour turnaround and then another 8 hour shift then school...because Charles wanted off on his Friday and we all have a guy at work that does this crap.

Come to find out, he called Josh in on a holiday here so he could get off 4 hours early for a BBQ, and told Josh that. Josh being green and seeing his co supervisor call, he does it..and works a 16. I told Josh don't ever do that again. He is not required to do this, and I do not want him stretched thin.

Wednesday, my boss knocks on the office door. Her boss comes in, and his boss comes in; the heat.

is someone termed? are we all getting the ax? our company never takes care of is, when they show up it means they want something or are telling you to go somewhere.

They gave me a big raise. They told me that that department is going to become its own separate contract and they need an account manager, and if I would take the job. & that position pays very much.

My concern is I'm not cut out for it. I think I am a good adviser, and i am confident enough...too confident. Having a leader over me to say "Stop being the hammer." is what works. I am hoping I am tactful enough to handle those beneath me. I can tell anyone to do their job, or fire a person..but to nurture them to become leaders also? I'm a bit too stone cold to do it delicately.....if they are sensitive...it'll be troublesome. Maybe this is a chance to grow. I am both excited and also cautious; a lot on my plate.
The most relieving part was that they told me everyone I had trained, inside and outside the department, has stayed and can do their job proficiently. I'm glad my format isn't too callous.

So it is GOOD NEWS in my job for ONCE. The job is still stressful with these new systems, but I am solving things these days, getting my department recognition anonymously by being ahead of the game because I know what I am doing. I like that freedom - to organize things and make them work the right way, and get the most efficient result. To go from an operator to have 6+ people beneath me is exciting, but also an uncharted path.

I had to report Charles to the operations leader. I usually would not report people because I'm not one of those people. I'll tell you personally or let you get yourself terminated...unless it's something like theft thats detrimental to us as a whole. The leader in there is pretty high up....he's been telling me to monitor things for him and report back when he is unavailable, so I did it. I realized then, that he's known about this contract to be and has been getting me to take leadership, which was already happening...I've been managing these people without realizing it.

It may be easy to think I hate people at work, but in terms of work I see it very logically. If you are unwilling to learn and do the best you possibly can, you do not get my respect. If you are going to take the low road and lay around for your pay, you not deserve promotions and/or recognition....you don't deserve money in my opinion. You committed to a negotiated terms of service when talking a job. If you have an issue, find a job elsewhere. I'm sure many of these people, even Charles, are good hearted people...but a good heart does not keep a company alive alone. It takes a balance of that and hard work..and it's a lack of hard work that has caused recent issues to collapse down onto me and others..HUGE things. So now as soon as I see these officers try to work back here I chase them off. I am not the mindset of "Take whoever we can to fill a slot." I'd rather have to do the overtime and do it RIGHT, than put a body there that will get someone killed or breach our security inadvertently.

Who I am at work and who I am at home are like night and day. there is a time for the heart and a time for the hard labor and reason.