I am a desk jockey, haha.

Which in actual parlance is "Accounting Clerk in a mid-to-large size Law Firm". The job itself isn't exciting, but the company is very reliable and most of the employees have been there for years, so they offer side perks that you don't see often anymore: they pay you back for sick AND vacation time you don't use at the end of the year, I can work overtime whenever I need to at my own discretion and choosing without clearing it with anyone (but mostly walk away at 5 PM,) yearly bonuses, full benefits/401K etc. And its only 10 miles from my house, so just the fact that I only have to fill my car up once a week.

So, it's a sure thing that allows me the luxury of a reliable schedule and a certain amount of disposable income to pursue other interests and activities that are a lot more satisfying/rewarding. My only real complaint is that I wish I liked my coworkers more. They're "aight" but I have pretty much zero in common with any of them and don't trust a one of them far as I can throw them, lol.