Aye, sorry to repeat myself but i have had a pro boards forum for 7 years and i have never had a problem with forum software or servers. Going with the odds we have here i think its a safer bet to use proboards.

As for the add free, you don't pay full amount twice, the price goes down as the end of calender month gets nearer, so you only pay for what days you have left . Didn't lea used to have Ads before and we were all fine with it anyway ?

Well my offer is there if you guys want it, if you decide to go with pro boards i will make the rest of the colour schemes for Lea and all admin powers will be given to STM's user account and he can then continue to do what he does best =) . I will then go back to lurking around but always a PM away if he or anyone gets stuck in how to do certain things on the forum.

P.S @STM - I have sent you the old database too