Hi Kasei! Glad you activated here, it's a great little community of core and comfortable old-timers just keeping in touch & enjoying hanging out knowing there's shared experience. I've been loving it here much over Lilymud ever since I came back a year & a half ago and think you will, too. I wish I could put a "redirect URL" notice on Lilymud for Lea here whenever other oldies drift back there, LOL :P

Oh, and favorite food....Gosh, so many. Halibut, snow crab legs, bacon, anything with cheese (except swiss, ew,) crispy chicken fingers, UTZ potato chips....Mmmm. Anything salty really. Sweet stuff I'm not big on, sacrelidge maybe but I don't really like chocolate or cake or brownies....it's kinda weird. I guess I'd rather earn high blood pressure than diabetes, LOL.