I'm happy today because I've finally had a chance to just sit down now, and relax. It's been a very long and busy day. Engagement party tomorrow night so I spent much of the afternoon cleaning up outside and putting up fairy lights. I swear, if you've never swept leaves off of a paved area, you don't know how frustrating it is! They get stuck in every single little gap, crazy!

Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
That IS fantastic. Really fantastic. I was asking in the pets thread if she was socialized because the one rabbit I had as a pet as a child was bought from a breeder, too, but he was evil. I should have suspected something cause he was the last, only one left from the litter and full-grown already, but it was like mixing General Woundwort with the Monty Python rabbit, he'd get this crazed bunny glare, charge out of the hutch and attack whenever I went in to change the hay or food or anything, it was miserable. Eventually I gave him to a 4-H friend in the small animals club who overlapped with the rabbit club and bred/raised Dutch color rabbits like him, I couldn't do it anymore :-(
That's gotta be tough, rabbits can be difficult animals at times. Was your rabbit desexed? I know there's the whole "desex your pet it will make them better behaved" myth thing going around. But with rabbits, it can actually make a very significant difference in both their temperament and their litter box habits. Sorry to hear that he was like that though, can't have been fun for either of you. Trying to train rabbits out of those behaviours is tough too. I'm glad he found a good home though. My very first rabbit wasn't friendly. She wasn't mean, she just wasn't very tame, but that's what I get for buying from some random woman with a pile of baby rabbits in her backyard hutch Oh how I've come a long way since then, would never buy a rabbit from a situation like that now.