Hmm this RP sounds cool, can I sign up to this if it's okay

I'll be using an original character of mine called Rac, so here's his profile

Name: Rac.

Race/Species: African Lion.

Age: About a month older than Kovu.

Gender: Male

Name of family members (if any): Simba (father), Nina(mother), Kiara (half-sister).

Friend: None, at least he has never found any.

Place of residence (Pride Lands, Outlands, Etc): Rouge, curretly resides the Prideland outskirts.

Eyes: Light Blue.

Fur color (includes Paw, mane, muzzle colors also)- Yellow fur, with lighter muzzle belly and below eyes, above eyes are light brown. Has a dark brown mane. See picci;

Distinguishing marks (if any at all): Have broken his right canine tooth.

History/biography- Rac was Simba's first born son but to a rouge lioness. And young Rac and his mother called Nina was driven out together with the Outlanders though they didn?t join them, Simba didn?t want to accept the parentage to the cub which to Simba was not of his blood. Rac he grew up with his mother (who later died in a hunting accident) far away from the Pridelands. Even though he knew about his father he clearly knew that Simba would have nothing to do about him and thus Rac didn't want anything to do with his father, he carried a sort of hatred towards him. When Rac became a young adult he didn't dare too return to Pridelands cuz wars that had been fought against the outlander and he didn't feel connection to his old home nor a responsibility for what that happened there but still he couldn't really understand why the lion prides where so against each other when they in reality where the same. However sometime later Rac decides to return to his old homeland to heal the old wound between himself and his father, find out if the stories he had been told by his mother about his father?s loath was indeed true.

Personality- He has an attitude that sometimes can get him into major trouble and he is prone to short temper. But he also has a good side to himself, even though that is most of the time overshadowed by his gloomier image.

Been a long time since I last RP'ed this guy, to give him another try would be interesting