I remember a speach on TED but I don't remember speaker. However he pointed something very interesting. The relativity of good and bad. Our behaviors and moral values are more or less defined by culture. Depends on our very personal intel what we will inherit from our surrounding and what own values we'll set for ourselves. Of course, this might affect our social interaction and put us into isolation or worse we could violate social rules and then take responsibility for it. For example I can't walk naked thru the city no matter I believe that human body is nothing to be ashamed of. Again, there are tribes where everybody walks naked and nobody is affected so there is only reason for dressing .. hygiene. There are oposite opinions from people who believe that even dogs should be dressed because naked animals are disgusting etc. I just used to resign to all this debates because people are usually damn blind. When I ask them to support their opinions by fact and describe reasons their even usually can't or referencing to non objective reasons. You can't change mind of this people because they have to learn thinking logically and consequentially first. Let say I'm tolerant to their opinions as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. But there are topics which are important. For example abortion. I can't see reason why prohibit abortion. There are many good reasons for abortion and all women who want abortion have to consult this with psychologists so if they lasts for abortion even after consultation then there is reason for it. There can be even health issues when medics recommend abortion etc. So if somebody say that God won't this because it is sin ... hello, try again.