
my name is Askaru, as you can see I'm a grey lion with sparkling green eyes and dark black mane. I love TLK since 2002, when I saw it first time and my feelings, when I'm watching it again, are still same. I love RPG stories with lion and universe. I'm studing biological school and I want to be zoolog, well we will see.

I live in middle Europe, Czech republic, North-East Bohemia in village. My dream is having a lion outside my house and take care of him all of the time xD... well silly idea.

Now I'm composing a song from the Lion King (Can you feel, Circle of life, We are one and this land are comleted, now I'm going to do I just can't wait, or Hakuna matata. If you want i can show you my job. I'm using a finale 2011 for writing a notes, I can play on clarinette, piano, keyboard, drum set, flute, sax, but I can't sing. (It horible when I'm trying ... grrr!) My music is little pleasure for me and I like do it. When I'm not composing I'm writing a story about lions, nature, and the sci-fi. (One of my RPG has 8years old history, and continues...) Thanks to the story my friends call me Emperor Askaru of El'dra, couse in the story is this my place in Circle of life, and I must to say ... it's really cool and crazy. Anyway in real life my name is Daniel, and I'm 18 years old. (Askaru is 03yy07mm14dd old).

I'm sorry for my bad English, i hope you underestand me little bit and I'll be a part of community of this awasome film by Walt Disney.