Originally posted by chaotic serenit
*chuckles* Sericels aren't generally valuable, sorry. They're just painted sheets that mimic actual animation cels, except mass produced rather than hand-drawn.

Maybe you're thinking LECs? Limited edition cels are templates created by the company that are hand-painted and released in very small quantities to keep the price jacked up. They aren't used in the actual making of the movie, but they are usually put together by good animators, on par with the production art of the movie. Because of this, they tend to be very, very valuable, easily well over $1,000, depending on the seller.

Actually, I'm unsure whether TLK actually used hand-drawn animation cels. There was a great deal of CGI present in the film, so I wouldn't be surprised if they simplified by the process by simply making it computer cel animation. It looks like they definitely did with either TLK2 or TLK1.5, but I can't say for sure. In the rare case that they did exist, if released, the prices would be beyond imagination. The LECs already go in the quadruple digits. An actual production cel from a high-end movie like TLK would market well into several thousand dollars.

If the book doesn't have a sericel, you can complain about it to her as misadvertising, but really, you aren't losing that much. They're usually just plastic/paint copies of posters or scenes released with the movies. Hardly anything worth raving about; the book is far more valuable.
TLK was completely hand-drawn except for the wildebeeste scene which they used their primitive little sun computers at the time to create. I dunno about TLK2 but TLK 1 1/2 was mostly done in computer (and it sucked)...:G