Of course they are allowed to marry i mean there is nothing to argue.

adopt children too, better they come to a home with 2 fathers/mothers and be loved to death then going from foster home to foster home the whole time.

and the whole thing about it not being "natrual" its supose to be "male and female" lets have a little run down on what we humans do thats not natrual on a daily basis.

-We Fly

-Run on water

- Go up in speeds, humans are not supose to, useing stuff like cars, Boats and plans.

-we dont Hunt for our food anymore (most of us at least)

- we communicate throw long distances " yay interwebs"

i mean the list is endless, and Animals do do eachother of the same sex, its nothing new, ether if its just for fun or to establish dominance is out of the question they do it non the less.

iv never thought of this as a disscussion at all, just people trying to stop progress, "sorry if that offends anyone"