Quote Originally Posted by Raize View Post
@ Azerane: Not really disgusted, well, if they are slobbering over each other, but that goes for anyone. Personally kissing in public is annoying no matter who is doing it. It's like, "Move on already and get a room 9_9" lol.
Yes that too, by all means go ahead and give your other half a kiss in public, but keep it respectable I don't get disgusted by seeing people of the same sex doing it, but I think it's more I see it, try to put myself in their shoes, and just get grossed out by the thought of myself kissing a girl But I imagine part of it is having been brought up to see it as being wrong, so there's that background there for it, so I definitely don't see it as wrong, weird to see. I don't know, I'm rambling now

I try not to make a habit out of watching people's public displays of affection anyway, haha xD