With the changing of forums and such, I admit it's quite difficult to keep track of everyone's original joining dates, but I just realised (I completely forgot yesterday ) that yesterday marked the 7th year I had been here at Lea.

For the newer members, Lea has been around since October 2003, which means it has been around nearly 8 years. I joined Lea on the 23rd June 2004, a day before TLK's 10th anniversary it seems. I fell in love with TLK again after randomly watching the movie one day (not to mention it was on VHS, since the Trilogy Box Set hadn't been released then). Shortly after I started drawing TLK art, in which I joined TLKFAA, then I found a link to The Lion King Domain, which was a site Fuzzy owned (correct me if I'm wrong. ) There was a link to Lea on the links page, I was curious, so I clicked it, and decided to register. I haven't turned my back on here since.

The people here are amazing. You're all such friendly people, and without Lea I wouldn't have shared so many amazing experiences as I have done. And (yes, the sappy part has to come ) I wouldn't have met Leor if Lea hadn't existed. He's definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love him so much, and I wouldn't be who I am today without him, or any of my other friends at Lea in fact. You guys are what makes this place what it is, and for that I thank you. Thank you all for being who you are.

A big thank you to TLK too. If TLK hadn't existed, then Lea wouldn't exist.

(Wow, I typed more than I thought I would... )