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Thread: The Interrogation Game (aka The Hot Seat Game)

  1. #41
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Boxers of briefs?
    2. Ever shave under your arms or legs ?
    3. Washer or loofah ?
    4. DO you have a hairy chest ?
    5. does cheese on toast count as a nutritional meal?
    6. What would you do with a tub of melted ice cream ?
    7. 6 things you would put in a fruit salad ?
    8. would you tell a female the truth if she asked you 'does my bum look big in these jeans'?
    9.six things about me you know ?
    10. do we have anything in common ?

  2. #42
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Boxers of briefs?
    2. Ever shave under your arms or legs ?
    3. Washer or loofah ?
    4. DO you have a hairy chest ?
    5. does cheese on toast count as a nutritional meal?
    6. What would you do with a tub of melted ice cream ?
    7. 6 things you would put in a fruit salad ?
    8. would you tell a female the truth if she asked you 'does my bum look big in these jeans'?
    9.six things about me you know ?
    10. do we have anything in common ?
    1. Boxers please.

    2. I haven't done before, but you never know!

    3. I just use my hands...

    4. Nah...far too blond for such things!

    5. It certainly has nutritional value...not much though.

    6. Would depend who was nearby...

    7. Orange, banana, mango, pineapple and apple

    8. God no...never tell the truth!

    9. You live in the sunniest place in the world, you lub your doggie, you're allergic to most fish, you love singing along to cheesy Glee songs, you're recording songs that you've written and you really want to come to the UK to enjoy our warm weather!

    10. We bonded over our mutual love of guitars and strawberries... Plus we're both awesome.
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  3. #43
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    ^ you're a funny one

    1. Can you get a small stone to jump over water >
    2. have you ever grown a beard ?
    3. four things you can do in a beanbag without injuring yourself?
    4. Have you tried Pavlova ?
    5. Whose Formula one racing would you liike to drive for ?
    6. Once I get my licence would you be brave enough to be in thec ar with me ?
    7. What do you think about animals being kept for circuses ?
    8. Have you had a ride on that big ferris wheel thingie in middle of London ?
    9. Have you ever grafeitted anything ?
    10. Fried onion or not on a hotdog ?

  4. #44
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    ^ you're a funny one

    1. Can you get a small stone to jump over water >
    2. have you ever grown a beard ?
    3. four things you can do in a beanbag without injuring yourself?
    4. Have you tried Pavlova ?
    5. Whose Formula one racing would you liike to drive for ?
    6. Once I get my licence would you be brave enough to be in thec ar with me ?
    7. What do you think about animals being kept for circuses ?
    8. Have you had a ride on that big ferris wheel thingie in middle of London ?
    9. Have you ever grafeitted anything ?
    10. Fried onion or not on a hotdog ?
    1. Yep, though I haven't done it for years

    2. Never a full blown beard but I have stubble all the time...short on a Saturday but longer by the following Friday!

    3. Sit on it, use it as a cushion for jumping out of a window, use it as a life raft, whack someone else around the head with it.

    4. I think so...not sure I liked it much

    5. Which team? Probably McLaren...

    6. Of course! Just let me get my helmet on first...

    7. I don't see any reason as to why it should be allowed in this day and age.

    8. I 2000. Was fun, the view's changed a bit since then though!

    9. Not using spray paint, but I have using pens/compasses etc

    10. Yeah sure, why not.
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  5. #45
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    1. Worst song ever written?

    2. Best song ever written?

    3. 'If today was your last day' how would you spend it?

    4. Favorite beer?

    5. Would you ever consider dating a vegan/vegetarian?

    6. What do you do for a living/ what's your job?

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  6. #46
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Your favourite Ninja turtle ?
    2. Five things you would do in Australia ?
    3. Do you toss and turn when in bed trying to sleep ?
    4. Can you fix a hole in the tyre of your bike ?
    5. What's your opinion on Lady gaga, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys ?
    6. Favourite flavour of Jelly ?
    7. Do you like trifle ?
    8. What would you like to see under your xmas tree this year for you ?
    9. Did you fight with your sister growing up ?
    10. How are you going to celebrate July 1st ?

  7. #47
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lionloversam View Post
    1. Worst song ever written?

    2. Best song ever written?

    3. 'If today was your last day' how would you spend it?

    4. Favorite beer?

    5. Would you ever consider dating a vegan/vegetarian?

    6. What do you do for a living/ what's your job?
    1. This:

    2. My opinion on this changes all the time, Life On Mars by Bowie is close though.

    3. Walking through a forest to the sea, probably with Pink Floyd on the headphones

    4. San Miguel Especial or Nastro Azzuro Peroni

    5. Probably, I think it's a stupid way to be it might lead to arguments!

    6. Music Consultant for a funeral music company...
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  8. #48
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Your favourite Ninja turtle ?
    2. Five things you would do in Australia ?
    3. Do you toss and turn when in bed trying to sleep ?
    4. Can you fix a hole in the tyre of your bike ?
    5. What's your opinion on Lady gaga, Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys ?
    6. Favourite flavour of Jelly ?
    7. Do you like trifle ?
    8. What would you like to see under your xmas tree this year for you ?
    9. Did you fight with your sister growing up ?
    10. How are you going to celebrate July 1st ?
    1. The blue one... Leonardo

    2.Swim, have a barbie on the beach, get drunk in an aussie bar, go bushwalking...then prolly get bitten by something and die.

    3. Usually I go to sleep pretty fast, sometimes get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet tho!

    4. Yep! Changed my first tyre a couple months ago

    5. Gaga's a very shrewd businesswoman, so is Beyonce. Is Kelly Clarkson still around? Alicia writes good songs but needs to learn to sing in tune...

    6. Probably raspberry.

    7. Not a huge fan of cakes or trifles...

    8. A recording contract!

    9. Nah, she was always away at boarding school so didn't see her very often

    10. Couple of beers, might head out later on.
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  9. #49
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. do you like croissants ?
    2. strangest thing you have in your kitchen?
    3. can you rollerblade/skate?
    4. four things you don't like to see in anyone ?
    5. have you/would you do one night stands?
    6. do you like sausage rolls and pasties ?
    7. What's a chav ?
    8 . what do you think is sexyness ?
    9. Have you ever been hit by a girl ?
    10. what's the right way to eat a malteaser ?

  10. #50
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. do you like croissants ?
    2. strangest thing you have in your kitchen?
    3. can you rollerblade/skate?
    4. four things you don't like to see in anyone ?
    5. have you/would you do one night stands?
    6. do you like sausage rolls and pasties ?
    7. What's a chav ?
    8 . what do you think is sexyness ?
    9. Have you ever been hit by a girl ?
    10. what's the right way to eat a malteaser ?
    1. Yes, yes I do.

    2. A British flag.

    3. Badly, I've tried my hand at both, decided I would wait until I lived somewhere warmer/flatter!

    4. Ignorance, Being self-obsessed, People who try to 'fit in', Stupidity.

    5. Haven't, don't really see much point unless all you want from that person is sex.

    6. I do, but strangely I'm not a huge fan of pies.

    7. They wear tracksuits and sports clothing with lots of jewellery; hang around on the streets causing trouble or cruising in their modified crappy cars blaring trashy dance music out at full volume.

    8. Sexiness is... Big mischievous eyes and a cheeky grin

    9. Nope...been tickled though...

    10. Insert Malteaser in mouth, chew, swallow, repeat.
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  11. #51
    Senior Member lionloversam's Avatar
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    1. Isn't CHAV a acronym for Community Housing Associated Vermin?

    2. Do you have any tattoos?

    3. If you woke up as a female, what is the first article of clothing you would try on?

    Thanks for the banner, Sombolia.

  12. #52
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lionloversam View Post
    1. Isn't CHAV a acronym for Community Housing Associated Vermin?

    2. Do you have any tattoos?

    3. If you woke up as a female, what is the first article of clothing you would try on?
    1. That's a new one on me, but I'm more used to the Scottish version - Neds (Non-Educated Delinquents)

    2. Nope, I wouldn't mind, but I can't decide on what I want for long enough to get it done

    3. Clothing? I'd be in front of the mirror for at least an hour...
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  13. #53
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. what flavoured chips do you like ?
    2. Do you have a hangover today ?
    3. how do you cure your hangovers ?
    4. Can you waltz ?
    5. Do you ever see yourself married or just living with someone ?
    6. How much age differences do you think there should be in relationships ?
    7. COuld you kill an animal and then cook/eat it ?
    8. Would you step in if you saw an animal being mistreated?
    9. would you ever get your nipples pierced ?
    10. do you like slurpees ?

  14. #54
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. what flavoured chips do you like ?
    2. Do you have a hangover today ?
    3. how do you cure your hangovers ?
    4. Can you waltz ?
    5. Do you ever see yourself married or just living with someone ?
    6. How much age differences do you think there should be in relationships ?
    7. COuld you kill an animal and then cook/eat it ?
    8. Would you step in if you saw an animal being mistreated?
    9. would you ever get your nipples pierced ?
    10. do you like slurpees ?
    1. Salt and vinegar!

    2. Nah, was a bit tired earlier though...

    3. Drink lots and lots of water and, if necessary, take some paracetamol

    4. Never tried tbh, how hard can it be?

    5. I'd get married, as long as the girl was extra special!

    6. 10 years either way, any more than that and you can't really relate... That said, it can work with much bigger gaps, just speaking generally.

    7. Yes, I'd find it easier doing that than just killing it for sport.

    8. Would depend, I'm not going to put myself at risk for it...i.e. if some huge bloke was hitting his rottweiler I'd stay out of it!

    9. Nah lol, not a huge fan of piercings generally!

    10. Never really had one! (unless that's a euphemism... )

    Right, my time is up, I'm going to nominate Manda (HasiraKali) for the next week of questioning!

    A couple of questions to get us started...

    1. The Lion King or Doctor Who?

    2. Would you choose to live in any other state?

    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  15. #55
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wide Eyed Wanderer View Post
    Right, my time is up, I'm going to nominate Manda (HasiraKali) for the next week of questioning!

    A couple of questions to get us started...

    1. The Lion King or Doctor Who?

    2. Would you choose to live in any other state?

    Oh dear. If you hadn't PMed me, I probably wouldn't have noticed.

    Anyway, questions.

    1. This is an evil question. It's like asking me to choose between my children. Lion King.

    2. If I were to live in another state, I'd probably go with Florida, specifically, Tampa. Not Orlando you gasp? Yes, not Orlando.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  16. #56
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. Have you ever counted all your lion king stuff ? if so how many things do you own ?
    2. Why did you choose science to teach and not music or something else ?
    3. favourite dessert ?
    4. Favourite perfume ?
    5. What's under your bed ?
    6. favourite colour ?
    7. do you have a 'teacher's pet' in any of your classes ?
    8. are you going dressed up for the midnight screening ?
    9. best coloured smartie ?

  17. #57
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. Have you ever counted all your lion king stuff ? if so how many things do you own ?
    2. Why did you choose science to teach and not music or something else ?
    3. favourite dessert ?
    4. Favourite perfume ?
    5. What's under your bed ?
    6. favourite colour ?
    7. do you have a 'teacher's pet' in any of your classes ?
    8. are you going dressed up for the midnight screening ?
    9. best coloured smartie ?
    1. I tried once, but never finished. I was up over 100 things when I stopped.
    2. I chose science for a few reasons, the biggest being that I love science and talking about it with young people. Also, the government paid for me to get a master's degree if I went with science so that was a plus.
    3. Any fruit.
    4.Not a big fan of perfume really. I think a lot of them smell too chemical, but there are some that I think are nice.
    5. Boxes of Lion King stuff.
    6. Blue
    7. I had a couple that were trying to be haha.
    8. I'm planning to! I just need to put my new Gryffindor patch on my robes.
    9. The Smarties here all taste the same, so color doesn't matter.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  18. #58
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1. 3 crafts you'd like to try ?
    2. An exotic pet you would like, if allowed ?
    3. Who do you take after more your mum or dad ?
    4. Did you ever wish for a brother ?
    5. Last biography you read ?
    6. Do you ever wear contacts ?
    7. Rob Guest or Anthiny Warlow in the role you like ?
    8. three good things to put on pancakes ?
    9. Tinkerbell or Aerial ?
    10. How many bottles of nail polish do you have ?(51 for me )

  19. #59
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
    1. 3 crafts you'd like to try ?
    2. An exotic pet you would like, if allowed ?
    3. Who do you take after more your mum or dad ?
    4. Did you ever wish for a brother ?
    5. Last biography you read ?
    6. Do you ever wear contacts ?
    7. Rob Guest or Anthiny Warlow in the role you like ?
    8. three good things to put on pancakes ?
    9. Tinkerbell or Aerial ?
    10. How many bottles of nail polish do you have ?(51 for me )
    1. I have no idea. O.o I often think about metal working when I'm looking at projects for Halloween. Other than that, I can't think of anything.

    2. Not really all that exotic, but I'd really like a hedgehog.

    3. I have a lot of my dad's physical features, but my temperament is more like Mum's.

    4. I used to want an older brother who would beat people up for me.

    5. I read a short biography of Darwin a few months ago.

    6. Nope. I have no desire to have contacts at all.

    7. Oh man. I'd love to see Anthony Warlow take on Scar.

    8. Cinnamon apples, bananas, and Nutella.

    9. Ariel.

    10. I have no idea. It's literally a whole drawer-ful. I should take a picture sometime haha.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  20. #60
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    1.Can you do Origami ?
    2. what's the last 6 things you made with beads ?
    3. Do you like living at home with your family still ?
    4.steak with or without sauce ?
    5. 5 things in your wallet ?
    6. what do you do if you feeling down to make yourself happy again ?
    7. did you find milo and timtams yet ?

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