Since Brazil was the chossen to receive all lion king dvds frist that any other place in the world, in this case, lion king 2 special edition, were released here 2 months before be released in united states, then, i made a report for the site animated news talking about the changes and retouches the movie have suffered.

The edition (meaning: the light cuts)

The limited edition dvd have 15 seconds more of movie than the special edition version, mainly because some very light cut were made, one example is in this scene after the song upendi, perceive that the scene where kovu and kiara arrive in pride rock simply were edited from the limited edition of the movie

Click in the image to see a short video of the sequence of this scene

Now, in the special edition this scene simply dont exits! it were edited

Click in the image to see a short video of the sequence of this scene

The changes

Now for one of my "favorites" was the change of the scene where kiara and kovu are fleeng from the crocodiles in the begining of the movie, i thought the frist version 100x better that for the one they changed

Click in the image to see a short video of the sequence of this scene

Click in the image to see a short video of the sequence of this scene

Of course there very other minor changes during the entire movie.
(Even the musice they changed in the credits, in the LE was tinaturner and wes playing he live in you and upendi, in the special is "love will find a way")

I need to admit, im totally against these changes and retouches... you re master a film, give it a better image and sound are OK, but change it? no this i really don?t agree