I'm not one for advice because, well..the way I do things really isn't anyone's cup of tea.
I do try to empathize though...

I am sorry you are going through this, it must be emotionally and physically taxing when all you probably want is some harmony and understanding.
Truth is, it looks like she is just doing this to get attention..she can wield Kenny against you..somehow this makes her think she's getting her way.

I understand this only because a guy I darted - his mother was similar but not to this extent. Very passive aggressive though. I told him he had to make a choice, and start telling her off or I would start doing it..and believe me, if she wasn't *****ing yet she'd certainly be screaming by the time I was through with her.
I just don't understand though..why Kenny doesn't take her aside and tell her off?? If you have to carry this trial alone..I mean that's that.

I refused to be a cohabitant of my boyfriend's establishment with "the dictator" upstairs, locking doors on me, telling him I left a tpilet fan on for 50 minutes when it was more like 5 seconds...oh man, that story...

It may also be she truthfully doesn't want to share space and that is the issue maybe? I discovered that my boyfriend was not representing his mother properly..she was not very ok with us sharing the eastablishment. If they had been upfront I would have been kinder..but nobody is direct.
I don't know..maybe breaking up isn't the exact answer, but distance...there needs to be healthy boundaries..your basic needs aren't even being respected..so it's not gunna get any better until there's some space and respect from their end.

It was same for me, I never did anything wrong, but they acted like I was some thief, or criminal, or rude invasion of their lives but nobody was being upfront about anything! People cannot read minds. You gotta have communication, understanding, respect and love for eachother. If it's hostile territory, it just won't happen. I tend to become overbearing and dopminant when I'm bombarded with that BS, so they felt my presence and backed off...but I also was kind to them and left formally.

It's sad really, because while they spend all this time being disgruntled they are missing out on connections and establishing a relationship..for what?

Ask yourself what you want and make it happen. Don't settle for anything less.