AotM has definitely been a popularity contest... (Which is why I'm still really surprised that I ever got it, hahaha) But I, at least, think it's more about the art now. The community is smaller and many of the "popular" artists are older and more mature. It's not like it was in its hayday - those times when AotM was a reeally big deal and if the "wrong" artist got it, mobs genuinely would rally against them... And I'm glad that at least that has changed :'D

Quote Originally Posted by Leorgathar View Post
Now to be back on topic, I'm still not having real good days, but yesterday while I was out playing Pokemon Go at the park, I befriended a dog that's been living around there. It's really cute and kept me some good company for that while. I think it's homeless, as there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for it, and it doesn't have a collar or anything indicating it has an owner. Maybe I would adopt it if I could (right now there's no way I can). Hopefully I'll see it again today, I'll bring some treat with me just in case
Aww, that's so sweet I hope it'll come to keep you company again!

Quote Originally Posted by Nalas View Post
I got a job at my college in the cafe (I'll be a cashier)! I start on Monday, and I couldn't be happier! <3

Also, Azzy, I love that feeling of coming home after being away, to just be able to breathe again is great, haha