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Thread: It Made My Day (post your happy here)

  1. #1
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Smile It Made My Day (post your happy here)

    I don't think I stumbled across something like this here yet, and if there is one, please feel free to delete this. Also if it's in the wrong place feel free to pelt me with potatoes!

    After suffering from a really horrible night last night with memories of my twin sister basically tossing me into a bad spiral of depression and thoughts of cutting again, I woke up to have a similar day. I mainly lurked about and did my usual hiding out/hermiting when things go bad. Cue a few minutes ago when I was out in the kitchen and saw this.
    2011-05-27 20.20.23.jpg

    Not minding Chiquita, who looks quite derpy, and I assure you, she's a normal looking chihuahua, these two made me smile. They made me laugh for the first time today, and made me forget things for a few moments. They expect nothing of me except love, and they love me right back no matter if it's a good day or bad. They don't judge me when I feel like everyone else is. These two little souls are nothing short of perfect. :3

    So I want to know...what made your day?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Aw, how cute. My cat always cheers me up too. <3

    After feeling really stressed the past week, and especially yesterday, my moment of happy was going to see a play my best friend preformed in last night, seeing that she included a shout out for me in the play's program, and getting to hang out with her yesterday. We've both been really busy lately, so it was nice.

  3. #3
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Yay for awesome animals! <3

    That is so cool that you got to go see her, and was so sweet of her to include a shout out to you! :3 Sounds like you have a pretty amazing friend, and hopefully your schedules will be less hectic so you all can hang out more. ^^

  4. #4
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    well.. dad was rushed to hospital again tuesday night by ambulance after being in this huge pain for an hour and the morphine they were giving him wasn't doing anything, after a CT scan they found he had blood clots in his lungs and could have died here at home.

    Mum came home from the hospital and had bought me a stuffed owl (I love owls at the moment) and put it beside me in bed so when I woke up it was the first thing I saw with 'Love ya babe' note on it. <3

  5. #5
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he has a speedy recovery, and I am so glad they caught it in time. *hugs*

    That is so adorably sweet! Owls = <3 and your Mom is definitely cool. :3 I'm so glad you had something to cheer you up!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    OH this is an awsome thread! , very nice idea hun! "why didnt i think of this >.>" hehe well what made my day was

    the other day when i sighed the contract for the movie il be in, i got an estimate on how much money i would get, and that was baised on the minimum salory actors get. and for 10 days of filming i would get.

    28 800,00 kr , witch = 3 094,61 EUR witch = 4 405,62 USD

    holy mother crap of god 0.o, un-foresnetly i WONT get this money " god would it be nice" but its legal why and i know why jadi jadi so dont have efforts to explain.
    however i mean look at that sum! thats for 10 days of filming! jesus chirst, im glad the proffesion i have chosen is what i love to do over everything else AND well payed!
    so that made my day knowing next time i get the main part in a film, il be loaded xP

  7. #7
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Aww, thank you! ^^ Lol well you've made a few awesome threads on here as well. :P

    Ahhh I remember you telling me about all this! I am still so flipping proud and excited for you! :3 *hugs* You so deserve this, and I'm so happy things are looking up for you.

  8. #8
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    This is a great idea for a thread!

    Today, it made my day when one of my students tried to steal my shoes. She loves purple and sparkles and I wore my purple zebra sparkly chucks just for her. It was pretty funny.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
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  9. #9
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Yay! Thank you! I always love hearing how the little things in life make people smile. :3

    Ahahah that is awesome! What grade do you teach? :3 Hey, don't blame her either, purple glittery zebras are killer! 8D

  10. #10
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    8th grade. Some of them are holy terrors, but most of them are pretty awesome.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
    *Team Night Sky*
    Por favor, manténgase alejado de mi chocolate.
    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  11. #11
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Oh lordy. XD

    Well I'm sure they keep you on your toes. That's awesome that you're a teacher though. ^^

  12. #12
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    I agree that this is a nice idea for a thread. Great idea.

    As for me, I received my new bank card today (I needed a new one because my old card details were found by someone else somehow, so I ended up being a victim of attempted fraud. ) I honestly thought it would take a lot longer, but it only took a couple of days, which was nice because I thought I would be without a bank card all next week too. I also got to talk to Leor, which always makes my day. And he helped identify a problem I can feel with one of my teeth. That's the advantage of having a boyfriend who's a dentist. Today has been a nice day so far. ^^

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  13. #13
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Ouch on both of those misfortunes. I have been down the bank fraud route before and that right there is some scary stuff.

    I am so glad you had him to give you a hand with that. Teeth issues can be confusing sometimes. XD Aww, that makes me happy knowing you are having a good day. :3

  14. #14
    Senior Member Wide Eyed Wanderer's Avatar
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    Not sure if anything really made me smile today but I'm generally quite a happy person these days!

    I did have a sad earlier when I found out that Gil Scott Heron had died, I only discovered him earlier this year and he was fast becoming an influence of mine. RIP Gil.
    ---< Stop Whispering And Start Shouting >---

    Team Night Sky Blue

  15. #15
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    I think my favourite thing today was when the fire alarm went off at work There was no actual fire, just some smoke that set it off, but everyone had to evacuate (I work at a massive castle, it has thousands of visitors on a busy day and today was very busy). The restaurant where I work is within the castle walls, so we had to get everyone out outside them. The restaurant was packed at the time and I had been really struggling to keep up for the last hour, so the fire alarm was a very welcome break :'D And then when the people were allowed inside again not as many of them did come back and after that the place was very calm until we closed up. I think that if not for the fire alarm going off, today would've been a lot more hellish. So, yeah. Weird thing to be happy about, but since there was no real danger it was a nice change and a chance to catch my breath :P |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  16. #16
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Well, it's good there was no real fire. Fire drills are always a convenient excuse to get out of class... or work.

    Well, my happy was talking to my mom about getting a tattoo. She said in the past she wouldn't have a problem with it, but I don't think she was expecting me to bring it up so soon, considering I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago. xP I've wanted this tattoo for years though. She approved and even offered to pay for it as a gift since it's a small one

    Now I just have to find a good tattoo shop, figure out the cost and dope myself up enough to get it done

  17. #17
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    I think my favourite thing today was when the fire alarm went off at work There was no actual fire, just some smoke that set it off, but everyone had to evacuate (I work at a massive castle, it has thousands of visitors on a busy day and today was very busy). The restaurant where I work is within the castle walls, so we had to get everyone out outside them. The restaurant was packed at the time and I had been really struggling to keep up for the last hour, so the fire alarm was a very welcome break :'D And then when the people were allowed inside again not as many of them did come back and after that the place was very calm until we closed up. I think that if not for the fire alarm going off, today would've been a lot more hellish. So, yeah. Weird thing to be happy about, but since there was no real danger it was a nice change and a chance to catch my breath :P
    That always used to make my day when I was at school. The fire alarm would go off in some of the worst lessons at times, and so most of the time after it was declared safe to go back in, the lesson had ended, so that used to keep me happy at school. Not so good for my education though.

    That's the best part of a fire alarm going off at work... at least you're still getting paid for it.

    It's a bit too early to say what made my day today, but I've woken up this morning and brushed my teeth to find my tooth feeling better. It doesn't feel sensitive at all now when I brush it, which is quite a difference considering yesterday it was practically impossible to brush around there. I was thinking a visit to the dentist was needed but I guess it isn't... I just hope I don't jinx it by saying that now.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  18. #18
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Had a crazy exhausting weekend doing my pygmy possum volunteer work at innes, usually we have at least 3 people go, we were meant to have 4 but then 2 were sick. So it was just 2 of us. We had a tonne of work to do, took us much longer than normal and we were both exhausted. Getting cold and rained on, scratched by bushes etc, stung by mosquitos, a headache, and bitten by some of the more fiesty little pygmy possums. But it was all worth it, when you see that they're successfully raising young and when they poke their little head out from between your fingers and spread their ears, they're the cutest little gems in the world and I wouldn't give up all the exhausting field work for anything.
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  19. #19
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    Yesterday i got a taste of filming, because we filmed a Pilot video as its called, it will be 1 minute but we filmed from 9 on the morning to 8 on the afternoone, and i got a taste on how it will be in 2 months.

    but what really made my day was that after it all, i forgot my jacket in the Directors (Reggisör pĺ engelska Kanu?) car and called him so he knew about it, he went straight back and left it , and no one else was in the car, and then he said to me after i picked it up sense we where alone

    " I noticed you where all flipping about, and where full of energy still, when the everyone else was down, tired and moody, trying to cheer up the mood in general, Thats what gets people re-hired "

    I mean we get and me speciality, gets Praised by this proffesional established actor the whole time, at first i didn't take it to me much, becouse i figured he just wanted to cheer us up (or those that needed it) but now everytime he says something he is genuinely astondhised by our preformence, and he keeps praising himself for "choosing the right people for the job"

    and when he praises you in private and alone, that makes it even more better, i always know i wanted to be an actor and could become one, but now i KNOW i got "the gift" and can become something big within it, who knows Perhaps il be the next Peter Stormare hehe.

    but yeah that made my day.

  20. #20
    Member Teagan's Avatar
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    Sorry I haven't been as active here in this thread, just a really bad week. I have read everyone's posts though. :3

    My little bit of happy just happened. Been having a few really bad days and struggling with a lot of issues. I was really upset last night and turned to one of my friends that was online. This morning, he surprised me with this:


    It totally changed my day for the better and I couldn't thank him enough. I really do wish I could open up to you all more, but that is quite difficult for me at the moment.

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