I don't think I stumbled across something like this here yet, and if there is one, please feel free to delete this. Also if it's in the wrong place feel free to pelt me with potatoes!

After suffering from a really horrible night last night with memories of my twin sister basically tossing me into a bad spiral of depression and thoughts of cutting again, I woke up to have a similar day. I mainly lurked about and did my usual hiding out/hermiting when things go bad. Cue a few minutes ago when I was out in the kitchen and saw this.
2011-05-27 20.20.23.jpg

Not minding Chiquita, who looks quite derpy, and I assure you, she's a normal looking chihuahua, these two made me smile. They made me laugh for the first time today, and made me forget things for a few moments. They expect nothing of me except love, and they love me right back no matter if it's a good day or bad. They don't judge me when I feel like everyone else is. These two little souls are nothing short of perfect. :3

So I want to know...what made your day?