Quote Originally Posted by Leorgathar View Post
That is so awesome, congrats Kanu! and yeah, you allow yourself this, you deserve it ^^
*Looks at the #1 spot with hopeful smile* ...One day, Leor, one day.

And good luck with the moving too, it certainly must be exciting

As for me, I haven't exactly been having a good week, I've been feeling rather depressed lately for personal reasons. But this morning a patient I treated this past week (a 78 year old lady) called me to say thank you because she had been recovering well and feeling much better. She sounded joyful, said "God bless you" to me, and told me she would recommend me to her friends. These are the kind of little things that make me love what I do, and thus make me feel so appreciated. I'm feeling much better today
That's the most adorable story I've read in a while!
Old people can be so cute :3

Also, I hope you'll feel better soon!

@KanuTGL Good job with getting there, I'm happy for you!

My happy is that I went out with a recently made friend, and we ate chinese and watched a movie
Also, I discovered that the forum works on my Vita, so I can comfortably post while waiting to get a new phone ^-^