(I think I'll sign up...)

Name: Kazi (Kah-zee)
Age: A few months, exact age unknown (cub)
Eye color: Bright green
Fur color: Dark golden
Mane color: No mane yet
Personality: Hyper when not on guard, happy, loud
History: Escaped with his brother when his pride was taken over by two wandering males. Before they could be killed, they ran off and have been on their own ever since (about two weeks).
Other: Can't see out of left eye due to attack

Name: Kirabo (Kee-rah-bo, nickname Kira)
Age: Same as Kazi
Eye color: Bright blue
Fur color: Dusty, light brown
Mane color: No mane yet
Personality: Stoic, untrusting, always on guard. Usually quiet.
History: Same as Kazi
Other: Has a limp on his back right leg due to attack