This board is created simply for stories that have happened to you recently or happened before of when you loved somebody, had a crush, or maybe even your marriage if you are married. Share the good moments and even the bad if you feel like saying. I'm sure everybody will be happy for you and hopefully comment their own story soon.

I think the main reason that i started this thread is that i just had a major experiance this past weekend with a guy i really like named Tyler. I've had past experiences with him but i'll post those later. I always get so excited about him because we'll flirt, i'll fall in love with him, than time goes by and we don't talk or arent able to see each other so than i decide i don't like him. And than we do something together again, ect. Well, anyways, His mother asked me to go camping with them this weekend, but just to have all my stuff there i came a day early to his house and spent the night with him, his step-sister (She's the main reason i was invited) and his step- brother. We played hide and go seek tag till the late of night, but we still weren't very talkitive yet. Than, the next day we went out in the ministry work and than we headed home to get the camper together. He was slightly flirty, but we were still having difficulty talking. We left that day and went to the campground, unpacked and went to the pool. By then we could talk to each other but not a good conversation. Some friends of ours had come over after that and this one girl, who's like a sister to him was talking to him in a whisper and she said something, and he laughed-blushed and than replied. The only thign i heard was what the girl had said after his last comment, "She's too good for you." Than they looked over at me and she got up and went outside. So i was like, "Hmmm, that's weird..." But i moved on and than the night went on and it came to be bed time. We decided that we, as a group would like to be able to talk all night without the interuption of their parents in the camper. So we set up a tent and talked till about, 5 in the morning. I was able to talk to him fairly well by then, he was way nicer and more at ease. Well, in the middle of the night the stupid sprinklers came on cause we were at the KOA campground and made a big puddle at the bottom of my sleeping bag. I had to move but i told my friend, Alix that there was a puddle and to stay away from it. In her daze, she moved in the spot i was going to go to. The only place to sleep, seriously, was next to Tyler. I was so scared cause i was still kinda nervous around him cause nothing could happen. Ever. Or i would be killed. But i had to sleep there so i did and tyler woke up in the morning and we were talking outside and he was all, "Yeah, i woke up and allison was sleeping in the spot next to me even though she started out on the other side of the tent." Well, his mom heard so i had to explain why to her and than things went on and we went to church and we were really talking a lot, 'specially in the car and stuff. Well, i went swimming and he went fishing and than we came back to the camp and just talked and stuff and i cooked him dinner. Well, actually, i made him hotdogs because i made them really good and so he asked me instead of his mom. So i did and he loved it and than he said he was going to make a hotdog so i said i'd take on and he cooked it and it was cold! But, i ate it. Which i think impressed him. Than we went and played putput golf and he'd always watch when i putted and cheer me on and things like that and say when we were tied and when who was ahead, etc. And than, after golf, he walked up to me asked me if i could possibly make him another hot dog. So i did but than he got a bloody nose so it got cold and i offered to warm it up for him but he was all, "no no no, i'm fine." And than we went to bed and we were on opposite sides but at the final moments before his bro and sis went to sleep he moved over so his head was right by mine =3 So we talked and talked and talked and flirted and talked and than i accidentally gave him a bloody nose cause his nose was sensitive and he was pretending to snore so as a joke i held his nose closed like you would do if somebody was really snoring and he got a bloody nose and i swear i said sorry like, 100 times and than we started throwing a rubics cube at each other (Don't ask why...) And he almost always made sure that i landed on the part of my that was my sleeping bag, but sometimes if my side wasn't covered he'd hit me there and than we fell asleep and i woke up and he was likem a foot or two away from me and we had touching knees cause i had to bend my knees from lack of space and so did him (That probably sounds stupid, but oh well) And than we woke up and today we went to the waterslides and in the pool he would constantly pinch my shoulder and we talked and he would pull me under and lift me up on his shoulder and throw me over him gently and he gave him boosts, y'know when you stand on their shoulders and they throw you into the air. And he'd always stand by me or be like, have an inch away from me so obviously i returned the flirting easily. I was talking to my friends, and they said that when we both come to the age where our parents let us date, that he'd probably ask me out...I so hope it happens.

Side Note- If this kind of place has already been made, go ahead and delete it and if it's in the wrong area it can be moved.

Happy postings