Originally posted by Sharifu
Aww Lucy that's sweet... That guy was really trying, and it showed that he really did care about you. That's cute that you two ended up together.

And those of you without a love life... I didn't have one till I was almost 20! But I was in no rush. I've had guys ask me out before that... But I didn't want to unless I was friends with them first. I don't think you can get feelings for someone unless you've known them for a while first. (Being friends)

These love stories are cute and interesting to read. ^_^
Yes, that what are you writing about is true love which is diferent to "pink glasses" (love on first look). However, pink glasses are much more enjoy because that nice nervosity when you feel beating your heart and you know what it is for.

My first love was a tragedy for me, I don't want talk about it here but not every true love is strong enought to resist all things. Right now I have partner which we are almost 2 years together and it seems to be long time relation because we still can resist our problems and it's good sign.

You never know if your actual love is true but one clever man said "looking for true love is sickness". Even that sounds horrible it's something true on it. Everybody has got own bad habits and when you start live together you will daily have to resist them. Depend on how strong your love is you will resist or not. It's reason why many pink glasses relation ends just after three months. (somehow first three months are mostly good and problem less). From my own experience it's good talk with you partner about this problems and be as much natural in acting as it is possible, especialy on beginning. It's more easy to resist then.

Good luck to everybody (especialy to Sharifu, It's really kewl to have long distance relation (some plp think this relation are best (I'm one of them ))) and don't resist to love more than it's needed.