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Thread: Love Life

  1. #1041
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    Well well, seems my thread never really did die =]

    I can't even remember the last time I came on Lea, sadly. For any of you who still remember me, here's a friendly hello to you. I'm sorry I drifted so bad, and I really can't tell you if I will come on again or not. I start work as a lifeguard on Friday so I might possibly be busier than I have been in a very long time. Good to see you all and here's a post of my love life as a tribute to my long lived thread and simply just to keep on subject.
    I know it is absolutely clich? to say, but these last four days were quite possibly the best four days of my entire life. I have been wishy washy about several boys lately, none really seeming to live up to what I would prefer in a boyfriend. Though, on Thursday some friends came down to stay with us and brought some friends with them. One was Preston. At first I really didn't think anything of him really because I hardly knew him. But as the night went on and all of us went out to dinner, I began to realize that he has one of the best hearts I could ever find in a boy.
    Throughout the next four days, various times made us grow closer and closer together as friends and as more than that. Asking me if I wanted his jacket if I was cold. If I wanted to walk around with him despite the fact that he was already hanging out with friends, and left them to hang out with me. Sitting by me on purpose everywhere we could be and not being afraid to look me in the eye and just give me a smile, like saying "hi. I'm so glad we've met."
    There are many other things to name but I would prefer not to make a novel out of this post.
    In our very last moments together before he had to leave to go home, he thoughtfully waited till everybody had wandered off that was with us and it was just me and him, so we could say our quiet goodbyes and so he could give me one of the most amazing hugs I think I?ll ever get. It wasn't a half armed hug, or a limp, quick and than leave hug. It was like he really meant it.
    I find it hard to say that he lives in a town four hours away and if I am extremely lucky i will get to see him maybe two times this summer, but i look forward to those possible moments more than anything. You should have seen his eyes shine when i told him those words, and my smile creep up as he said he couldn't wait to see me again more than anything.

    The weirdest feeling I have ever felt is the feeling of utterly complete happiness, but the great amount of despair knowing that he's gone. I'm thankful to start work soon to keep my mind preoccupied for the time being.
    Well, sorry i have such a terrible habit of writing extremely long posts. I hope you all the best and I hope lea never dies down like i did.


  2. #1042
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    you must come back, I miss my official stumper!

    But glad to here that things are going OK for you. You must come on MSN once in a while, i miss talking to you too! We just got talking to you when you disappeared!


  3. #1043
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    Well the Day Is here

    In 45 mins, ill be setting off on the coach to the airport (yes its well early, but its the only available one XD). then i have a nice 3 hours to check in and stuff, then im off to Sweden .

    I have been waiting for ages to see Anna. i just cant wait to see her and give her a big hug for real ^^.

    so ill see you guys some time later on if we have time to go on the computer XD.

  4. #1044
    Senior Member Safila's Avatar
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    Have a great time Tilly, remember to send a postcard..Hugs

  5. #1045
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    TL and Kanu, come visit Stockholm sometime, okay? I mean, when you're in sweden, you must see the capital ^^ (and then i can see you guys too for once XD)

  6. #1046
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    I love Necr..... nahh just skip to the topic <3
    I gotta play my 'love' song (Peaceful Kinoko World, Kasidah Cinta, Corner of the Earth)

    From my last post which is pretty short and really confused post, I will start a new proper and detailed love life

    In my whole life, I don't know what love is. I don't give a d*mn about love and what love is about. It all started during end of the year of 2002, suddenly I dream about something peaceful and lighten my heart, my old home. I don't know why am I in a state of peace and lonely at the same time but I know something is going on in the future.

    Things are all easy and cool early of 2003 but something shocked me and it's feel like someone shooting an arrow directly through my heart. It was her, I don't know why this thing happened to me but all I know is I'm in love <3 . She was perfect, she got the look, the way she walk, the way she talk, and her cool personality. From a loud notorious naughty prank who love to skip classes boy she turn me into one quiet, peaceful and a shy boy. I mean she's really melt my heart, she's not hot or what but I guess we were meant to be together when I have an eye-contact with her. But I was shy when I want to express my feeling to her because, you know we never talk with each other. But during early of 2004 I heard some news that she'll be leaving the school and transfer to boarding school. That news really hit me and I started too search someone else to replace her. But things will never be the same without her in my life.
    Life in 2004 really sh*t me up because after she's gone and leave me stranded and lonely state, Gastric pain take over my feeling for 2 month.

    I thought 2005 gonna be the same like 2004. Well people said every new years is a different year = ) 2005, nothing really happened to me much, except for exam and some unforgettable holiday. But my love life were quite different on that year. Because I met her online and she is generous, good hearted, open minded, ready to face anything and a whole new package of love. She thought me everything about love, fighting during in love, forgiving during in love and ups and downs of love. Well I'm not afraid to tell someone that I like 'em but she willingly accept me. Things we're normal but one night during march 2005 we have a long chat and I guess that's where the relationship start to bloom. We talk about anything and everything including love and personal lives. Things were wonderfull and she's were there to ease my pain and bring a smile upon my face. I know things are difficult because it's an online internet and we didn't meet face too face which is... make me sad. But we keep it cool and promised that we will meet someday.

    After I had a good life in 2005 here's some intresting story last year or (2006)

    During Boot Camp!
    After a week at the camp, I felt something weird going on around the camp. I feel like someone from the past show up infront of me. I knew this person before but looks like she never meet me before. All of my confidence and courage I manage to talk to her who she was, after all the talking and chatting suddenly I got one weird but suprising news: she's someone I knew from the past, My first crush. But too make things weird the girl who I spoke to is her identical twin. I always thought one is enough but two is for the win . Well I never revealed my feeling toward her because she's completely different from her counterpart, and quite headstrong and a very strong will girl I ever knew. But things won't work out because of, my promised too my closed online lover and limitation of interaction with her. After me and her left the book camp we never speak to each other because after a month I left the boot camp she has change her number.

    Second part of 2006:
    I met her during my cousin's party on december 2005. I start to approach to her and tell who she is. = ) She's one of my cousin's cousin. Wow.. distance family eyyy???? We didn't chat much on that day because she's leaving early.

    I met her again during the opening of my auntie's restaurant. And WOW... she's beautiful, she got the look, she has a nice personality, she's rich but she didn't use her status as a rich girl (means she's has that low profile thingy) and she's perfect for me (well that's what I thought during that day). We keep some platonic with each other but my heart slowly attach to her. Once she said no to me but I just keep trying to impressed infront of her = ). Well things never work out because she already have someone she loved and I'm happy for that = ). We still keep that platonic love with each other.

    After she choose the man she loved I don't have anyone right now because I know someone that I used to love will come back to me and me and her will be together for eternity, because lately I keep dreaming about an anonymous girl watching me from afar and I know who she is and this time I hope she knows she's the right one for me
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

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  7. #1047
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    omg love I totally forgot about this thread I have no comment here more

  8. #1048
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Love <3 Actually since today I'm officially together with someone. I recently broke up with someone else (about 2 weeks ago) and I found out he has been the biggest jerk I've EVER dated so far. And this new guy (Joey) is amazing, yesterday we shared our first kiss and today we're officially together.

    Wow. <33457

  9. #1049
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    ^ Look like you easily fallin in love Amy good to hear that you have found a new and a better guy.

    By reading Audra's post, I think friends can turn into lovers . by reading the whole thread I find that Audra's story are the most romantic stories ever made in this thread = )
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

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  10. #1050
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    Hmm, there's a guy who really likes me and I really like him. Who knows where it'll lead... ^^

    *will keep you updated*

  11. #1051
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Fendi
    By reading Audra's post, I think friends can turn into lovers . by reading the whole thread I find that Audra's story are the most romantic stories ever made in this thread = )
    Awwwwww... So many Lea members seem to say things like that about us.

    I still love him more then ever, and he will be here in four days!!!
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  12. #1052
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I met someone beginning of August (this year).

    Met loads of people during those 8 months I was single...

    We got along great through msn, then through phone many times a day (since he could call for free for 2 hours each day, so why not use that? hehe), and at the end of August I kind of needed a place to stay/or a ride back home that same evening, after I went to a festival to see my favorite Belgian band ^^

    He's a cab driver, so I asked him before the festival how much a cab would cost me to get me home, I didn't mean it, ment it as funny.

    And he's like: well, too much, but tell you what, I'll ask the car and I'll pick you up, and you can stay at my house if you want.

    I'm a *huge* risc taker like that, and I accepted.
    (he did saw me on webcam, but that isn't quite the same as in real life)

    He picked me up, was so weird, sitting in the car for over an hour, not really knowing what to say, while on the phone, we both couldn't shut up

    Got at his place around 0.30 am, and all we did all night long was watch movies ...
    He fell asleep somewhere at 6 am, and I was so scared to fall asleep, haha, 'cause being at a guy's house I'd never seen before, but then I just fell down about 7 am, I couldn't take it anymore, my eyes just closed, lol.

    And nothing happened ^^ haha

    And usually, when a guy saw me, they'd run off, but this one ... he kept "bugging" me "wanna come back again?"
    Didn't want to at first, but he just kept asking throughout the week (I should have known, haha ), but in the end, that night we had so much fun talking and watching TV and all ...
    And I'm really not someone, who will just go to make the person stop bugging me, I went 'cause I liked him, had fun, so why not? *blush*

    And I thought it'd be nice again, to do something with someone, see a movie, go for a drink, stuff like that.

    So I went back the next weekend.

    And I already kind of new he might liked me a little too much.
    But I always thought: lol, nah ... that ain't possible (haha).

    So when he told me the last day of that weekend he felted something for me, didn't really came as a shok to me, hehe.
    *kissed me* hehe

    I really liked him though, just wasn't sure it was in the same way he liked me.
    So I had loads to think about what I wanted.

    Talked about it a lot during the weekdays when I was back home, and then the next weekend, I had a boyfriend again *September 9th*.

    Since the very first weekend we spend together, there hasn't been a weekend I haven't spend with him. And after a month, I was already more at his place then at my parents.

    I feel SO much better then I ever did with my ex those 5,5 years.

    My parents thought I was joking when I told them I met someone, and I'd like to see him again someday.
    (they thought I was joking I wanted to see him again, not that I met someone, hehe)
    'Cause he lives 150 km away, which, considering the relationships on Lea, is totally nothing in distance, haha
    But still, it's totally on the other side of Belgium.

    So when I did tell them a few days later: oh yeah, I'm going to visit him that day.

    My parents went like: What ?? o_O

    And my dad gives me this lecture of God knows what, it didn't make any sense, he didn't even knew what to say.
    He comes up into my room, father-daughter chat... And all he said was: you're almost 24, be carefull.
    Nice chat that was, haha.

    And I was like: yeah, I am almost 24 (was a month before my birthday) and I had already spend 2 weekends with them, but they didn't know, *oops* hehe.
    I totally stood up to my dad, lolz, big discussion though :s
    But I'm glad I did that.

    My parents and him get a long great, much better then with my ex too.

    He has 2 little boys, 6 and 7 years old.
    I'm actually not good at all with kids >.< ... but the age is quite alright, and I met them too, they're such lovely boys ^^

    Oooh, this turned out to be a long post, hehe.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  13. #1053
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sharifu
    Awwwwww... So many Lea members seem to say things like that about us.

    I still love him more then ever, and he will be here in four days!!!
    Well I'm pretty jealous that you get along with STM so long , makes me wanna find my dream girl again .
    I still remember when we chat about that dream Audra, I don't think it's only a dream though, but something more than a dream and it's pretty unusual because I haven't meet her more than a year
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

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  14. #1054
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Aww, congrats Nathalie, that's a sweet story, I'm really glad it's working out for you. Hopefully it can continue to do so =)
    That which you manifest is before you.

  15. #1055
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    yeah Nathalie sure is


    well my story ghuess there are none sense am single nad been for quite some time now

    its not like am deppresed or anyhting i just get a little sad that i dont have anyone to love cuddle give presents and spoil with love and attention

    but iv been singel for a real real long time now but i keep my mood up am sure il stumble upon someone some day and hopefully also a tlk franatic

    but i admit it do get lonley sometimes but thats just something ya gota live with

  16. #1056
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    ^ Relax shadow, our time will come soon. Right now I'm just gotta find her and wait for miracle happen !
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

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  17. #1057
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Thanks guys ^^

    Never thought a "stranger" would drive more then 2 hours for me, just to come pick me up from someplace and then drive back to his place, haha.

    Where was he 6 years ago *sighs* haha

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  18. #1058
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Congrats Nathalie, keep the love goin'! ^^

    And my dear dear Shaddie big brother you are, I still can't stop naggin' you and telling you that you will find someone someday, and I'm glad you're believing that yourself.

    I understand being alone can be down sometimes, but I always cheer up when I realize that no love means: no money-problems, no jealousy, no suspision, and no commitment ;3

    Although, when you finally have someone, you're glad you have them. Just as long as you stick with that special person.. It's all bloody worth it.

    Talking about me and Joey, we're doing fine, and even better ^_^ Alot of people we're against it because I just got single and he's got one hell of a past behind him, but we're convinced we can try to make this work. It's not like we're planning to live together yet so we're just trying our best and enjoying eachother, and that's what everyone should do.

  19. #1059
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    Congrats Nathalie and Amy. It was nice reading your story Nathalie, and it's good you have a boyfriend again, and even better that he makes you feel better then you ever did with Bart.

    As for my love life... Petteri will be here tomorrow night! I am sooooo excited, I kept thinking today at work how tomorrow night we will be together again.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  20. #1060
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    yeah, congratulations Nathalie and Amy.

    I personally am getting ready to go to the airport... my flight doesn't leave in another 5 hours but I need to be there a bit early and I also still have a few place to go to... So I guess next time I'll be posting I'll be in US again.. or at least on my way there.

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

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