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Thread: Love Life

  1. #261
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    Prepare to say your good bye Sori for like the 5th time I have reported you .
    You know your antics are making me laugh more than actually annoying me ; oh well maybe after you get banned you can get a life or something cause it seems at the moment you actually don't .
    By the way your spelling sucks
    Members I have had the pleasure to meet: STM [x2], Sharifu [x2], Taneli [x2], King Simba [x4], Shadow [x1], Nathalie [x2], Lucy Lioness [x2], This Land [x4], Daniel [x2], Nephilim [x1], KanuTGL [x2], Revo [x1], Naline [x1], FCSimba [x9], Leorgathar [x1]

  2. #262
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Well I think Sora's_Soul (or whoever her name was) has already been banned yet it appears that Sori hasn't yet.

    And yes, I'd advise you to use a spellchecker before you even post. ;P

    Anyway, back to the topic of "Love Life" I don't have much to share at the moment. However, it is nice to read all your love stories. ^^ Keep 'em coming.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  3. #263
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    Originally posted by Sori
    Oh muh gawd. I'm SO scared. Oh no. I'm having a medical sezuire. >>

    Anyways, it IS nice to read all your love stories, since I LOVE to read ^^

  4. #264
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    Anyways, uhm, my love life is non existant so I shouldn't really be posting but heh. I went out with someone for a year or so then broke up. XD

  5. #265
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    For the simple sake of playing Devil's advocate, and in keeping with my tradition of being "That guy everyone hates" (or at least "That guy who always disagrees with everyone and never agrees with anyone), I don't like reading your love stories because they all sound far more successful than mine and it's a little like salt in the wound. I'm phenominally jealous and ten times more depressed about my hopeless "love life" than I was when I came on.

    Just to, you know, offset those who've said they're happy to read love stories.

    Alright, tuning out now so I don't end up just ticking everybody off...

  6. #266
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    I understand what you mean, Jazon. I like reading love stories, but only fan fiction ones, you know, and the people aren't in real life actually, and aren't able to happen in the real world. I'm not happy when I read love stories...I without an emotion exactly...O_o I don't think I even HAVE a love relationship anymore.... O_o For all I know, Phantom died. O_x

  7. #267
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    I can understand how you feel Jazon, after you went through. I'm sorry. I really hope you do find love, and a girl that will treat you with the same love and respect that you would give her.

    Well, I did email STM a few days ago, because when he was here last did we did argue about some things and it did upset me. For a while I didn't bring them up because I didn't want to argue again or make anyone upset, but I just kept thinking about it one day and I had to tell him. I was kind of afraid of how he would have reacted to the email. But he emailed me back and I do feel better. He told me that reading that email at first that he was afraid I was going to break up with him, and that that was the worse feeling in the world... And that he thought other girls he knows would have broken up with him a long time ago. He told me he wasn't sure if he deserved someone like me but he still loved me so much. He was so relieved when he found out that I didn't want to break up with him, that I had hope and wanted to work through these problems. I love him so much and I can't break up with, it would cause so much pain, for the both of us.

    I've emailed him back and I hope I can talk to him soon. I haven't talked to him in IM in 9 days. (But I did a little bit through email of course) But the point of this story is that I think everything will be fine. I do realize that I mean a lot to him.

    I posted some pics taken this summer in the Picture Thread.
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  8. #268
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Suki
    I don't think I even HAVE a love relationship anymore.... O_o For all I know, Phantom died. O_x
    In my ever-so-humble opinion, you're better off without him. Not just because of the spam, I knew him really well too, and.. yeah. He's a liar.

    It's okay, Jazon.. I don't think you're pissing anyone off. I actually like you for that, you're not afraid to let people know what you think, which I wish I could do.

    Btw - on a completely unrelated note.. this was FOREVER ago, but I stumbled across your old livejournal, and you posted a bit of a conversation with "skywolf3636".. and I was like DUDE. She's one of my best o/l friends. XP Ahem, yeah, that sounded completely stalkerish.

  9. #269
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    Originally posted by jazonhyena
    For the simple sake of playing Devil's advocate, and in keeping with my tradition of being "That guy everyone hates" (or at least "That guy who always disagrees with everyone and never agrees with anyone), I don't like reading your love stories because they all sound far more successful than mine and it's a little like salt in the wound. I'm phenominally jealous and ten times more depressed about my hopeless "love life" than I was when I came on.

    Just to, you know, offset those who've said they're happy to read love stories.

    Alright, tuning out now so I don't end up just ticking everybody off...
    I don't think that you're upsetting anybody. Unless if you were cursing them and hoping that bad things would come to them as well, then I don't see a reason for them to get upset at you.

    Also, on a completely unrelated note, I know that you're a musician, but have you ever started a band? I think you'd actually be pretty successful if you wrote the songs and could sing them. You remind me a lot of Kurt Cobain (not only physically, but also personality wise minus the heroin) from what I've seen, and there's always going to be somebody out there that can relate to you.

  10. #270
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    I <3 kurt cobain

    Ummm, on a love life note...I dunno I hopefully will get to talk to chris at school tomorrow.

    Oh, i found out this friend of mine really likes me. It's awkward x.x

  11. #271
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    Originally posted by jazonhyena
    For the simple sake of playing Devil's advocate, and in keeping with my tradition of being "That guy everyone hates" (or at least "That guy who always disagrees with everyone and never agrees with anyone), I don't like reading your love stories because they all sound far more successful than mine and it's a little like salt in the wound. I'm phenominally jealous and ten times more depressed about my hopeless "love life" than I was when I came on.

    Just to, you know, offset those who've said they're happy to read love stories.

    Alright, tuning out now so I don't end up just ticking everybody off...
    I feel the same way Jazon My love life is pretty much no existant I don't even recall ever even having a date. SO when I see People with their love stories it makes me jealous and a little upset too.

  12. #272
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    I always skip over this thread. I just have no love life.

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
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    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  13. #273
    all magic comes with a price Opera Ghost's Avatar
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    I have an itresting love life to lazy to tell

  14. #274
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    First, I think I should say thanks to everybody for your positive responses, and second, I'm glad I posted what I did because I seem to have given a little bit of a voice to the others who also felt jealous and left-behind but hadn't said anything yet.

    Originally posted by Sombolia
    Btw - on a completely unrelated note.. this was FOREVER ago, but I stumbled across your old livejournal, and you posted a bit of a conversation with "skywolf3636".. and I was like DUDE. She's one of my best o/l friends.
    Really? Dang, I wanna hear more about this. I forgot all about it. Maybe I should get to know her again. I don't go searching through my old LJ because last time I did, I got mad depressed going through all the "where's my girlfriend? I miss her" posts, knowing what I now know about her.

    Could you PM me about it (the conversation with skywolf3636) or something? It's nagging me now, and it won't let me go till I do something with it.

    Originally posted by Xinithian
    Also, on a completely unrelated note, I know that you're a musician, but have you ever started a band? I think you'd actually be pretty successful if you wrote the songs and could sing them. You remind me a lot of Kurt Cobain (not only physically, but also personality wise minus the heroin) from what I've seen, and there's always going to be somebody out there that can relate to you.
    Minus the heroin is probably a good thing to note, there, yeah X)
    Well, I've never started a band; I've only joined one (an ill-fated one at that). I appreciate the confidence, though. I've tried my hand at writing songs about relationships, and breakups, and upset feelings (biggest influence probably being Nine Inch Nails) but I've come to find out that I'm a very poor songwriter. Not that Trent from NIN is a master lyricist or anything, but at least his don't sound as cheesy as mine. I think I'm going to stick to just writing electronic music. Also, I tried learning to play the guitar and I was a miserable failure. I've decided I'm just not much of a "performer" type, but more of a 'creator".

    Originally posted by Shenzi Hyena
    I have an itresting love life to lazy to tell
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Thanks for tooting your own horn without actually contributing anything to the thread, attention hog. Nobody cares.

  15. #275
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    Originally posted by jazonhyena
    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Thanks for tooting your own horn without actually contributing anything to the thread, attention hog. Nobody cares.

    Well I have no problem with the way you feel. But I feel like I make people depressed now, for having a boyfriend.

  16. #276
    Senior Member This Land's Avatar
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    i had a really good relationship, i loved her to bits, i would never let go of her, but she let go of me, and at that time for no apparent reason
    then i found out she was having a relationship with sombody else about a day after she split up with me. A week later her new boyfriend split up with her and she asked me out again.
    It was The hardest thing i had to do... i said no, no matter how much i loved her, i turned her down because of the heartbroken state she put me in.
    Well thats my little love story
    Ive moved on now

  17. #277
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    I'm sorry if this thread makes ya'll depressed, i honestly didn't make it for those purposes. I dunno, sometimes something wells up in you for so long that you just have to tell people. I thought people would be happy for the stories of others, but i can see how jealously comes into play. I get jealous reading some of these, how ya'll turned out so happy. But i'm still happy for everybody. And i'm sorry for those who have had bad relationships *hugs*

  18. #278
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    As funny as this sounds, I'm not upset or jealous that I don't have a love life... I'm just not interested in having a love life or a date (well, of course I think it would be nice to have one, but I'm not going to go deliberately searching for one). Dating is near the bottom of my to-do list.

  19. #279
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    i know alot of people who feel that way Xinithian, like Shadow for example.

    And i apolagize to many others aswell for IF this thread makes them a bit down ore sad ore something. It's not meant that way ore something but i bet you all realize that.

    hmm to get to my lovelife again... its actually gained better and better. My mate shows alot more interest in me lately then normally. And it gives me a good feeling.

    i dont really have much to say about my relationship. Im more interested in others like STM and Fu's.. x)

  20. #280
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    I'm sixteen, but the only guys I've met are way older than me, as I'm homeschooled. I'm at a community college now, but haven't met anyone I like. Does anyone think I'm weird to wait it out?? Be honest...

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